Call for Abstracts

Click here to submit an abstract for the eighth annual, virtual Diversifying Scholarship Research Conference. Click here to register to attend this year's conference!

Submissions are open to all students, staff, faculty, and community members. You do not need to be affiliated with UVA to present.

Research Topics


In general, we seek abstracts focused on one or more of the research topics below, which can and should be broadly defined. We are interested in diverse and far-reaching proposals, so if you are unsure whether your topic fits, feel free to email us your topic and we will advise. 

  • Understudied populations (e.g., literature authored by queer or racial/ethnic minority groups; study participants part of understudied populations)
  • Best practices to promote inclusivity in higher education, social services, or medical care
  • Issues related to social justice
  • Promoting retention and success among underrepresented students
  • Issues of inequality or discrimination as they relate to gender, race/ethnicity, socioeconomic status, ability, sexuality, or immigration (inc. mechanisms, prevalence, and interventions to narrow inequality)

We accept presentations from across the arts, social sciences, physical sciences, medical sciences, human services, implementation sciences (e.g., diversity programs), education, and beyond.

Presentation Format


We are accepting submissions for 5-min blitz talks, 10-12 min presentation talks, <5 min synchronous poster talks, and asynchronous posters (virtual gallery wall, with questions fielded via email). Please note that you will record and submit your presentation in advance of the conference in lieu of a live presentation. You will then attend the recording of your presentation on the day of the conference and answer live audience questions during your presentation session.