

Pausch, R., Shackelford, A., & Proffitt, D. (1993). A user study comparing head-mounted and stationary displays. Proceedings of 1993 Ieee Research Properties in Virtual Reality Symposium, 41–45.
Head-mounted displays, as popularized by virtual reality systems, offer the opportunity to immerse a user in a synthetically generated environment. While there is much anecdotal evidence that this is a qualitative jump in the user interface, there is little quantitative data to establish that emersion improves task performance. The authors present the results of a user study: users performing a generic search task decrease task performance time by roughly half (42% reduction) when they change from a stationary display to a head-mounted display with identical properties (resolution, field-of-view, etc.). A second result is that users who practice with the head-mounted display reduce task completion time by 23% in later trials with the stationary display, suggesting a transfer effect.


Proffitt, D., & Durgin, F. (1992). Perceptual adaptation in the use of night vision goggles. NASA Technical Reports, 721, 1-21.
The image intensification (I sup 2) systems studied for this report were the biocular AN/PVS-7(NVG) and the binocular AN/AVS-6(ANVIS). Both are quite impressive for purposes of revealing the structure of the environment in a fairly straightforward way in extremely low-light conditions. But these systems represent an unusual viewing medium. The perceptual information available through I sup 2 systems is different in a variety of ways from the typical input of everyday vision, and extensive training and practice is required for optimal use. Using this sort of system involves a kind of perceptual skill learning, but is may also involve visual adaptations that are not simply an extension of normal vision. For example, the visual noise evident in the goggles in very low-light conditions results in unusual statistical properties in visual input. Because we had recently discovered a strong and enduring aftereffect of perceived texture density which seemed to be sensitive to precisely the sorts of statistical distortions introduced by I sup 2 systems, it occurred to use that visual noise of this sort might be a very adapting stimulus for texture density and produce an aftereffect that extended into normal vision once the goggles were removed. We have not found any experimental evidence that I sup 2 systems produce texture density aftereffects. The nature of the texture density aftereffect is briefly explained, followed by an accounting of our studies of I sup 2 systems and our most recent work on the texture density aftereffect. A test for spatial frequency adaptation after exposure to NVG's is also reported, as is a study of perceived depth from motion (motion parallax) while wearing the biocular goggles. We conclude with a summary of our findings.
Proffitt, D., Rock, I., Hecht, H., & Schubert, J. (1992). Stereokinetic effect and its relation to the kinetic depth effect. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 18(1), 3.
The stereokinetic effect (SKE) has been defined and studied by nested circular patterns rotating on a turntable. Circles must appear not to rotate as they revolve, which in turn results in their appearing to translate relative to one another. A powerful illusion of object depth results even though the individual circles do not undergo an appropriate foreshortening consistent with their apparent changes in slant. It is suggested and tested that the SKE is based on the changing positions between the nested contours despite the absence of any change within each contour, whereas the kinetic depth effect (KDE) entails both kinds of change. It follows that a turntable method of presentation is not necessary, and between-contour transformations can be simulated by computer animation. Displays consisting of simple translations were shown to evoke robust depth impressions as were patterns consisting of contours of varying shapes. Comparisons of the depth, compellingness, and rigidity of matched SKE and KDE displays are reported. The SKE is taken to be paradigmatic for how the visual system perceives depth when observing small object rotations that occur in everyday situations.
Davi, M., Doyle, A. T., & Proffitt, D. (1992). The role of symmetry in determining perceived centers within shapes. Perception & Psychophysics, 52(2), 151–160.
This study was designed to assess the effects of symmetry and plane of presentation on the determination of the perceptual center of flat figures. Experiment 1 demonstrates the existence of effects in improving center determination, both in the number of sides of the shape and in rotational and reflective symmetry (confounded in the experiment). Experiment 2 shows that the presentation plane has no effect on center determination. In Experiment 3, we divide the effects of the two symmetry types, showing that rotational symmetry alone is as effective as the presence of both symmetry types—that is, the presence of symmetry axes is not very useful in finding perceived centers.
Kaiser, M., Proffitt, D., Whelan, S., & Hecht, H. (1992). Influence of animation on dynamical judgments. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 18(3), 669.
The motions of objects in the environment reflect underlying dynamical constraints and regularities. The conditions under which people are sensitive to natural dynamics are considered. In particular, the article considers what determines whether observers can distinguish canonical and anomalous dynamics when viewing ongoing events. The extent to which such perceptual appreciations are integrated with and influence common-sense reasoning about mechanical events is examined. It is concluded that animation evokes accurate dynamical intuitions when there is only 1 dimension of information that is of dynamical relevance. This advantage is lost when the observed motion reflects higher dimension dynamics or when the kinematic information is removed or degraded.
Kaiser, M., & Proffitt, D. (1992). Using the stereokinetic effect to convey depth: Computationally efficient depth-from-motion displays. Human Factors, 34(5), 571–581.
Recent developments in microelectronics have encouraged the use of 3D data bases to create compelling volumetric renderings of graphical objects. However, even with the computational capabilities of current-generation graphical systems, real-time displays of such objects are difficult, particularly when dynamic spatial transformations are involved. In this paper we discuss a type of visual stimulus (the stereokinetic effect display) that is computationally far less complex than a true three-dimensional transformation but yields an equally compelling depth impression, often perceptually in discriminable from the true spatial transformation. Several possible applications for this technique are discussed (e.g., animating contour maps and air traffic control displays so as to evoke accurate depth percepts).


Hecht, H., & Proffitt, D. (1991). Apparent extended body motions in depth. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 17(4), 1090.
Five experiments were designed to investigate the influence of three-dimensional (3-D) orientation change on apparent motion. Projections of an orientation-specific 3-D object were sequentially flashed in different locations and at different orientations. Such an occurrence could be resolved by perceiving a rotational motion in depth around an axis external to the object. Consistent with this proposal, it was found that observers perceived curved paths in depth. Although the magnitude of perceived trajectory curvature often fell short of that required for rotational motions in depth (3-D circularity), judgments of the slant of the virtual plane on which apparent motions occurred were quite close to the predictions of a model that proposes circular paths in depth.