
Skyberg, R., Sun, C., and D.L. Hill. 2020. Selective removal of sodium salt taste disrupts the maintenance of dendritic architecture of gustatory relay neurons in the mouse nucleus of the solitary tract. eNeuro 7(5), ENEURO.0140-20.2020-16. pdf file

Sun, C., Krimm, R.F., and D.L. Hill. 2018 Maintenance of mouse gustatory terminal field organization is dependent on BDNF at adulthood. Journal of Neuroscience, 38:6873-6887. pdf file

Collins, L., D.L. Hill, and P. Brunjes. 2018. Myelination of the developing lateral olfactory tract and anterior commissure. Journal of Comparative Neurology, 526:1843-1858. pdf file

Dvoryanchikov, G., Hernandez, D., Roebber, J.K., Hill, D.L., Roper, S.D., and N. Chaudhari. 2017. Transcriptomes and neurotranswmitter profiles of classes of gustatory and somatosensory neurons in the geniculate ganglion. Nature Communications, 8:760. Doi:10.1038/s41467-017-01095-1. pdf file

Skyberg, R., Sun, C., and D.L. Hill. 2017. Maintenance of mouse gustatoy terminal field organization is disrupted following selective removal of pheripheral sodium salt taste activity at adulthood. Journal of Neuroscience, 37:7619-7630. pdf file

Meng, L., Huang, T., Sun, C., D.L. Hill, and R. Krimm. 2017 BDNF is required for taste axon regeneration following unilateral chorda tympani nerve section. Experimental Neurology, 293:27-42. pdf file

Enac model Sun C., Hummler E., and D.L. Hill. 2017. Selective Deletion of Sodium Salt Taste during Development Leads to Expanded Terminal Fields of Gustatory Nerves in the Adult Mouse Nucleus of the Solitary Tract. Journal of Neuroscience,37: 660-672. pdf file

Density OE Sun, C.S., Dayal, A. and D.L. Hill. 2015. Expanded Terminal Fields of Gustatory Nerves Accompany Embryonic BDNF Overexpression in Mouse Oral Epithelia. Journal of Neuroscience, 35:409-421. pdf file

Dustin Mouse Graham, D.M., Sun, C.S., and D.L. Hill. 2014. Temporal Signatures of Taste Quality Driven by Active Sensing. Journal of Neuroscience, 34:7398-7411. pdf file

Reddaway GG Reddaway, R.B., Davidow, A.W., Deal, S.L., and D.L.Hill. 2012. Impact of chorda tympani nerve injury on cell survival, axon maintenance, and morphology of the chorda tympani nerve terminal field in the nucleus of the solitary tract. Journal of Comparative Neurology, 520:2395-2413. pdf file

Wang EM Wang, S., Corson, J., Hill, D.L., and Erisir, A. 2012. Postnatal development of chorda tympani axons in the nucleus of the solitary tract. Journal of Comparative Neurology, 520:3217-3235. pdf file

Dorsal B Significance Corson, S.L. and D.L. Hill. 2011. Chorda Tympani Nerve Terminal Field Maturation and Maintenance is Severely Altered Following Changes to Gustatory Nerve Input to the Nucleus of the Solitary Tract. J. Neurosci., 31:7591-7603. pdf file

Aldo Guagliardo, N.A., West, K.N., McCluskey, L.P. and D.L. Hill. 2009. Attenuation of Peripheral Salt Taste Responses and Local Immune Function Contralateral to Gustatory Nerve Injury: Effects of Aldosterone. American Journal of Physiology: Regulatory Integrative and Comparative Physiology, 297:R1103-R1110. pdf file

Prot Fig. Thomas, J.E. and D.L. Hill. 2008. The Effects of Dietary Protein Restriction on Chorda Tympani Nerve Taste Responses and Terminal Field Organization. Neuroscience, 157:329-339. pdf file

Dev NTS Mangold, J. and Hill, D.L. 2008. Postnatal Reorganization of Primary Afferent Terminal Fields in the Rat Gustatory Brainstem is Determined by Prenatal Dietary History. Journal of Comparative Neurology, 509: 594-607. pdf file

Dep EM May, O.L., Erisir, A., and D.L. Hill. 2008. Modifications of Gustatory Nerve Synapses onto Nucleus of the Solitary Tract Neurons Induced by Dietary Sodium-Restriction During Development. Journal of Comparative Neurology, 508: 529-541. pdf file

Nick Taste Bud Guagliardo, N.A. and Hill, D.L. 2007. Fungiform Taste Bud Degeneration in C57BL/6J Mice Following Chorda-Lingual Nerve Transection, Journal of Comparative Neurology, 504: 206-216. pdf file


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EM Pic May, O.L., Erisir, A., and D.L. Hill. 2007. The Ultrastructure of Primary Afferent Terminals and Synapses in the Rat Nucleus of the Solitary Tract: A Comparison Among the Greater Superficial Petrosal, Chorda Tympani, and Glossopharyngeal Nerves. Journal of Comparative Neurology, 502: 1066-1078. pdf file

Triple Label May, O. L. and Hill, D. L., 2006. Gustatory terminal field organization and developmental plasticity in the nucleus of the solitary tract revealed through triple fluorescent labeling. Journal of Comparative Neurology, 497: 658-669. pdf file

Sollars, S. I., Walker, B. R., Thaw, A. K. and Hill, D. L., 2006. Age-related decrease of the chorda tympani nerve terminal field in the nucleus of the solitary tract is prevented by dietary sodium restriction during development. Neuroscience. 137, 1229-1236. pdf file

Neurophys Sollars, S.I. and D.L.Hill 2005.In vivo Neurophysiological Recordings from Geniculate Ganglia: Taste Response Properties of Individual Greater Superficial Petrosal and Chorda Tympani Neurons. Journal of Physiology, 564: 877-893. pdf file

Farbman, A.I., Guagliardo N., Sollars, S.I. Hill, D.L. 2004. Each sensory nerve arising from the geniculate ganglion expresses a unique fingerprint of neurotrophin and neurotrophin receptor genes. Journal of Neuroscience Research. 78:659-67. pdf file

Ganglion Shuler, M.G., Krimm, R.F. and D.L. Hill. 2004. Neuron/Target Plasticity in the Peripheral Gustatory System. Journal of Comparative Neurology, 472:173-182. pdf file


Taste Bud Hendricks, S.J., Brunjes, P.C. and D.L. Hill. 2004. Taste Bud Cell Dynamics During Normal and Sodium-Restricted Development. Journal of Comparative Neurology, 472:183-192. pdf file

Hendricks, S.J., Sollars, S.I. and D.L. Hill. 2002. Injury-Induced Functional Plasticity in the Peripheral Gustatory System. Journal of Neuroscience, 22:8607-8613. pdf file

McCluskey, L.P. and D.L. Hill. 2002. Sensitive Periods For the Effect of Dietary Sodium Restriction on Intact and Regenerated Taste Receptor Cells. American Journal of Physiology, 283:R1275-R1284. pdf file

Sollars, S.I., P. Smith and D.L. Hill. 2001. Time Course of Morphological Alterations of Fungiform Papillae and Taste Buds Following Chorda Tympani Transection in Neonatal Rats, Journal of Neurobiology, 51:223-236. pdf file

Sollars, S.I. and D.L. Hill. 2000. Lack of Functional and Morphological Susceptibility of the Greater Superficial Petrosal Nerve to Developmental Dietary Sodium Restriction. Chemical Senses, 25:719-727. pdf file

Hendricks, S.J., R.E. Stewart, G.L. Heck, J.A. DeSimone and D.L. Hill. 2000. Development of Rat Chorda Tympani Sodium Responses: Evidence for Age-Dependent Changes in Global Amiloride-Sensitive Na+ Channel Kinetics. Journal of Neurophysiology, 84: 1531-1544. pdf file

Krimm, R.F. and D.L. Hill. 2000. Neuron/Target Matching Between Chorda Tympani Neurons and Taste Buds During Postnatal Rat Development. Journal of Neurobiology, 43L98-106. pdf file

Krimm, R.F. and D.L. Hill. 1999. Early Dietary Sodium Restriction Disrupts the Peripheral Anatomical Development of the Gustatory System. Journal of Neurobiology, 39:218-226. pdf file

Krimm, R.F. and D.L. Hill. 1998. Innervation patterns of single fungiform taste buds during development in rat. Journal of Comparative Neurology, 398:13-24. pdf file

Sollars, S.I. and D.L. Hill. 1998. Taste responses in the greater superficial petrosal nerve: Substantial sodium salt and amiloride sensitivities demonstrated in two rat strains. Behavioral Neuroscience, 12:991-1000. pdf file

Krimm, R.F. and D.L. Hill. 1997. Early Critical Period for Chorda Tympani Nerve Terminal Field Development. Journal of Comparative Neurology. 378:254-264. pdf file