Some links

January 21, 2020

Just for your Tuesday:


Truly amazing changes and discoveries in archaeology over the past several decades. Not only in new fines being uncovered around the world, but a new technologies such as God ground penetrating radar, large data sets, and most famously DNA studies, not just of living, but even of recently discovered bones.


Do we need to listen more?  Or should we think about the kind of listening we need to do?  Or should we think about who actually listens to us?  These are some of the questions this piece sparked in me.  


The last decade of American population changes: “The decade’s patterns reveal a nation with unprecedented growth stagnation, an absolute decline in its under-18 youth population, higher growth for states in the Mountain West and Southeast, low growth in the Midwest and Northeast, and population loss in four states. Moreover, declining growth in California could lead to its first-ever loss of a congressional seat.”



Now from past to future.  Talk about dystopian prophecy—how life will change in the decade ahead.


Some other interesting predictions about the next decade.


Finally, some future trends that policy makers should be watching, but likely aren't.


Hope this didn't bring you (all the way) down.