A Linket of Bask

November 14, 2019

Here you go.


Write a novel!  Here are some interesting (to non-novelist me) guidelines and technologies to help that process "unfold," as the kool kids say these days, on the page.

Ressentiment--it's a helluva drug.  The so-called "populist" reaction to liberal democracy across much of the world today may be driven in part by anxieties about decline and concomitant deep insecurities about the future--so that the anger and contempt directed at others in populism is actually a preemptive reaction to anticipated disdain by "cosmopolitan elites."  Anyway, it's an interesting idea.

Some guidance for being happy if you're a faculty member.  Much of this is pretty obvious--learn to juggle, practice saying no, etc--but a few things seemed to me insightful: Schedule downtime, schedule busy-work times, Recognize that there's always something you won't like to do that you have to do, and that being happy about 80% of the time is a maximal ideal; interestingly, that number is around what I think of as some other so-called "Pareto optimal" numbers, namely, that twenty percent of the people cause eighty percent of the problems in departments, that most people, and that a department will typically flourish best if the majority of decent people manage to work a little less efficiently and happily than they otherwise would, simply to manage the challenges of the minority of really problematic people.

On that Pareto number thing--this is interesting too: you learn the most and the fastest if, about 15% of the time, you fail.

"God doesn't like ugly."  This piece, about the role of religion in the treatment of PTSD (but really more about how religion mis-shapes the people being treated and the people overseeing their treatment) is another challenge for American Christianity in particular, and especially white Evangelical Christianity, which has a long history of offering over-pat answers.