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March 26, 2022

I've got a lot!  These are good; highly recommended.

If this article is anything to go by, two things seem to unite the people in this new journal: an ideological hostility to, even ressentiment abou...

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Some links for today

March 25, 2022

Just a few things, gathered in the past few months, for your reflection, if you want them.

Honestly, I love the early morning.  These days (call it middle age?), I usually get up before everyone else...

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Cue Elton

March 24, 2022

Yeah, this. Two days in a row, soon I'll be saying "I'm just takin' it one day at a time."  Anyway, here's today's news:


This is a fascinating piece, noting that Pope Francis has been voluble in...

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Coming back?

March 23, 2022

Hi everyone!  Or, anyone.  Apologies for the three-month hiatus.  There was nothing event-ish about the break, nothing dramatic, let alone traumatic, unless you count the pandemic, the warm, a very...

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More links

December 22, 2021

Good stuff below:


“In April 1864, as the Senate moved to approve the 13th Amendment to the Constitution abolishing slavery, Abraham Lincoln spoke to a crowd in Baltimore about this question of...

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