
Altogether Elsewhere

November 07, 2019


This article, that I've read this early morning, about Voyager 2's journey beyond the solar system, has me thinking of long distances, in space and time, and the ways in which the frenzy of the present can almost entirely obliterate our capacity to have a longer view than three seconds into the future and four feet in front of my face.

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Brief explanation of silence; propitiary pile of links

November 05, 2019

My apologies for my silence (to whom? Is anyone listening?) but I've been running about a bit.  I had hoped to have something to share with you all, but life got in the way and I have 63-74% of about four things to share. So instead of any of them, here is a basket of links to keep your mind off the abyss of meaninglessness that is life without my blog posts.



So, here you go:



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Bushel of links?

October 30, 2019

For teachers, and anyone else who cares about students (yes, teachers care about students, you betcha), a nice piece on note-taking and "cognitive load theory."  Much of it seems a bit like someone's putting obvious points in a technical jargon, but I do think there are some good reminders here.


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Some more on life-long learning for higher ed

October 30, 2019

I've talked on this blog before about why I think there's an opportunity for a really interesting and genuniely consequential restructuring of higher education, driven most fundamentally by basic demographic changes in the history of the species happening now.  

This morning I opened up a weekly newsletter I get, written by Goldie Blumenstyk, a reporter for the Chronicle of Higher Education...

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Some links for you

October 29, 2019

A busy day for me so here are some links to other pieces to keep you, you know, off the streets.


A piece explaining, a little bit (but more would probably stun me), how quantum computers work, what they are, and why they may be important.


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