Bushel of links?

October 30, 2019

For teachers, and anyone else who cares about students (yes, teachers care about students, you betcha), a nice piece on note-taking and "cognitive load theory."  Much of it seems a bit like someone's putting obvious points in a technical jargon, but I do think there are some good reminders here.


Fascinating idea--the US Army is reconstituting "The Monuments Men" from World War Ii.  Only now it's less art historians and more (or and also) anthropologists, as the idea of "culture" has significantly changed.    


Was the "Younger Dryas"--the sudden cooling period about 12,000 years ago, after the last ice age (which ended about 19-17,000 years ago)--caused by an asteroid or comic impact?  


A good piece about the dangers of "moral panic", particularly in the mass school shooting fear that is common across the US.  As this author points out, the danger here is vastly smaller than you might think.


A rich review of a biography of Lévi-Strauss, very much worth reading (as Lévi-Strauss is very much worth reading a little bit of, at least.  Perhaps Triste Tropiques, or The Savage Mind.)  (Truth in advertising: I wrote about Lévi-Strauss in August on this blog, you can find that piece here.)


Enjoy!  It's a rainy day here in Charlottesville; a good fall day.