
Henry James on criticism, and on the Internet

November 20, 2019

Early in the mornings over the past few years, when I first wake up, stumble downstairs, make coffee, and begin to try to start the day, I have taken to not looking at my phone, or opening my laptop, and going on the internet.  Instead I begin by reading on paper, trying to set my day by more perduring textual orientations than the morning's outrages, whether they are global news or national news or just someone Wrong On The Internet.  There are hours enough later in the day to allow the rest of the busy world to elbow into your consciousness; but I find that...

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Some links for a Tuesday

November 19, 2019

This is totally interesting, though I don't understand it very much.  Seems that some physicists have stumbled upon an equation that offers a tremendously simplifying short-cut for measuring something about neutrinos, and the equation also seems to offer a more general solution to a more...

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Kantian Terminators!  

November 18, 2019

OK maybe not, but this DoD report on the "principles on the Ethical Use of Artificial Intelligence by the Department of Defense" is interesting.  A lot to process here.


A couple quick comments: 

In general, this doesn't really undercut my reflexive humanist's cynicism, but in fact makes me...

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Passle of links

November 18, 2019

They keep coming.


This is an interesting, and especially at 7 AM pretty alarming, account of how the narrow genetic basis of almost all the world's coffee makes us especially fragile and vulnerable to a disease that would destroy this particular species. Among the other interesting facts, is the information that there are 150 kinds of wild coffee as well.


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Can anyone still write a hopeful history of the United States?

November 17, 2019

In the face of the forces rending the United States, Lepore depicts it as a unitary society with a distinct and laudable set of civic ideals, one whose past can be intelligibly told as a single story.  

Can Jill Lepore do what historians used to do in their spare time, namely, write a single-volume history of the United States that is both honest and uplifting? Lepore, as this reviewer...

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Saturday Link Fever

November 16, 2019

You know how to do it.


Your life is empty, you say?  The ennui of mid-November getting you down?  Distract yourself from your imminent death with these fabulous links!!  First hit's free.



We talk about the "police state," but we often don't realize that "the police" as an idea isn't that old.  In fact it's just barely over 200 years old.  Here's a...

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A Linket of Bask

November 14, 2019

Here you go.


Write a novel!  Here are some interesting (to non-novelist me) guidelines and technologies to help that process "unfold," as the kool kids say these days, on the page.

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A very brief post about university presses

November 14, 2019

University Presses are very valuable, though some of them have come under the budgetary axe from their home Universities in recent years.  They typically produce much more durable books than popular presses (don't come at me with anecdotes of popular press books that are exceptions to this rule, because they are in fact exceptions, and terrifically rare ones).  Because they are not so desperately profit-driven, and because they typically have longer time-horizons than many other presses, their books typically endure longer.  (Again, typically.) ...

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