nebulae in the sky, easily visible to the
naked eye from nearly everywhere in the
world. This image was taken with specialized
infrared technology that allows a deeper view
into the star-forming region and reveals
otherwise hidden stars. The reddest objects
pictured are invisible to the eye due to
obscuring dust but become apparent in the
more penetrating infrared view. Michael F.
Skrutskie, professor of astronomy, helped
develop the telescope and instruments used
for capturing the image.
One hundred and eighty-seven years after Thomas Jefferson's dream of establishing the University of Virginia was realized, the University stands as one of the most prestigious universities in the country. U.S. News & World Report continues to rank the University among the top twenty-five universities, public and private, in the country, tied with Georgetown University at number twenty-three. Among public institutions, only the twenty-first-ranked University of California-Berkeley placed higher.
Recognition extends to many areas of the University. This is the thirteenth consecutive year in which U.Va. has been recognized for the highest graduation rate for African American students among major public institutions. The University is ranked number one among comparably sized universities in sending graduates into service with the Peace Corps. And last year the American Nurses Credentialing Center awarded the University of Virginia Medical Center the acclaimed Magnet Recognition for nursing excellence.
On the financial side, the University also fares well. The strategic management of the University's endowment has resulted in a consistently strong performance. At $4.4 billion, U.Va.'s long-term pool ranks among the five largest endowments of public universities and among the thirty largest of all colleges and universities in the nation. Equally important, the endowment per student continues to rank among the largest of the nation's public universities.
At the same time, the University of Virginia ranks fourth among the top 100 values in public colleges, according to an annual survey in Kiplinger's Personal Finance magazine. In addition to its overall ranking at number four, when financial aid is taken into consideration, U.Va. ranks second in offering the lowest cost to in-state students. This standing reflects the impact of the University's AccessUVa program, which guarantees that the University will meet 100 percent of demonstrated need for all admitted undergraduate students.
Broadening Student Experiences
The University has made strides in addressing the need for greater access by students from across the economic spectrum,

on May 20, 2007.
additional study-abroad opportunities, implementing environmental sustainability, and focusing on diversity. Recent initiatives now contributing to the student experience on Grounds and beyond include the following:
- AccessUVa, our financial aid program designed to keep a higher education affordable for all admitted students regardless of economic circumstance
- J-term, the new two-week January program that includes several classes abroad among its offerings
- Semester at Sea, the global study-abroad program on board a floating campus
- ecoMOD, a collaborative project by architecture and engineering students that is developing a series of ecological, modular, and affordable house prototypes
The inaugural symposium, "In Katrina's Wake: Racial Implications of the New Orleans Disaster," in the new Symposium on Race and Society series was held in fall 2006. Sponsored by the Office of the Vice President and Chief Officer for Diversity and Equity, the event brought together experts from across the nation to discuss racial inequity and marked a new era in diversity at the University.
Campaign Progress
The Campaign for the University of Virginia has continued to make impressive progress since its public launch on September 29, 2006. With commitments in excess of $1.35 billion

John O. Wynne; Frank Batten, Sr.; President
John T. Casteen III; and Provost Gene Block
at the announcement of the Frank Batten
School of Leadership and Public Policy
as of June 2007, the campaign total is nearing the $1.43 billion raised in the last campaign. A transformational gift from Frank Batten, Sr. (College '50), announced on the eve of Founder's Day, will create the Frank Batten School of Leadership and Public Policy. Mr. Batten's is the single largest gift in the history of the University and will create the first new school at the University since the Darden School of Business was founded in 1954. Other major gifts this year include the following:
- A gift from Richard and Sherry Sharp of Richmond, Virginia, to the University's Health System to accelerate cancer research, help build a new women's oncology clinic within the new Emily Couric Clinical Cancer Center, and support nursing education
- A pledge from Sheila C. Johnson of The Plains, Virginia, to establish the Sheila C. Johnson Center of Human Services at the Curry School of Education
- A commitment from Richmond-based Philip Morris USA to the School of Medicine and the McIntire School of Commerce that will create a partnership supporting independent medical research in a number of key areas as well as supporting leadership development and recruitment programs
Many of the building projects that are supported by campaign gifts are moving ahead. By the end of the 2007 fiscal year, private funding for Phase I of the South Lawn Project reached $59.5 million of the $61.2 million goal. The project's cost is $105 million. Construction is well under way on the building, which is scheduled for completion in 2010. The "Back to the Lawn" building and renovation project for the McIntire School of Commerce is in its final stages, with completion expected in December 2007. Some $53 million in private funding was received for the $61 million project by the end of the 2007 fiscal year.
The President's Commission on the Future of the University
The University is clearly at a turning point, a time when aspirations can be defined and a clear vision of the University's future achieved. The Restructuring Act, which became effective in July 2006, called for a major adjustment of the institution's relationship to state regulatory agencies and has afforded the University added financial flexibility that is already producing positive results. With this newly gained flexibility, the continued success of fundraising, and the distinction that U.Va. has attained nationally and internationally, the University has embarked on a multifaceted planning process embracing virtually every aspect of the academic enterprise. This process culminates in the President's Commission on the Future of the University, which will lay the foundation for the institution for the years ahead and guide tomorrow's leaders of Mr. Jefferson's University.
The President's Commission on the Future of the University began its work in March 2007. Cochaired by Leonard W. Sandridge, executive vice president and chief operating officer; and Dr. Arthur Garson, Jr., executive vice president and provost, the group of planners has been charged with proposing strategic directions for the University. The commission comprises four committees:
- The Committee on Schools and the Medical Center, cochaired by Carl P. Zeithaml, dean of the McIntire School of Commerce and the F. S. Cornell Professor of Free Enterprise; and James H. Aylor, dean of the School of Engineering and Applied Science and the Louis T. Rader Professor of Electrical Engineering
- The Committee on Programmatic Initiatives, cochaired by Robert D. Sweeney, senior vice president for development and public affairs; and J. Milton Adams, vice provost for academic programs
- The Committee on Student and Faculty Life, cochaired by Gertrude J. Fraser, vice provost for faculty advancement; and Rachel Most, assistant dean and director of advising in the College of Arts and Sciences
- The Committee on Funding and Other Resources, cochaired by Colette Sheehy, vice president for management and budget; and Karin Wittenborg, University librarian
Preliminary reports produced by the commission and its committees were posted in June 2007 on the commission's Web site, www.virginia.edu/planningdocuments/commission. The University community has been invited to read and comment on the reports. The committee chairs posted revised reports in November, with a final report to be submitted for approval by the Board of Visitors in February 2008.
This is the third such institutional planning commission in the University's history. The first commission helped plan the University's desegregation, coeducation, and expansion of graduate programs in the 1960s. The second, in the 1990s, responded to the state's request for budget reductions by creating plans that undergirded the University's last capital campaign. The 2007 commission's work is similarly critical to the University's future, as it examines ways to distinguish the University among its national and international peers and assesses the resources needed to support the University's aspirations.
Visit the Facts at a Glance site at www.virginia.edu/Facts/ for more University statistics. |