Funding Agencies
NIH/NEI, Glaucoma Research Foundation, Knight Templar Eye Foundation, 4-VA Collaborative Research Award, Vision for Tomorrow, and BrightFocus Foundation.
Feb 2025, Clinical vis-OCT is back!
Dec 2024, a lab party to bid Mingna farewell with love and warm wishes.
Oct/Nov 2024, Collaborators at Missouri Sci and Tech visited our lab.
Sept 2024, BrightFocus Interview.
Sept 2024, joint lab parties.
July, 2024, "Hyperreflective Dots in Central Fovea Visualized by a Novel Application of Visible-Light Optical Coherence Tomography," Case Reports in Ophthalmological Medicine.
June 19, 2024, vis-OCT imaging of an aniridia patient.
June 2024, two more papers are accepted.
- Huang, D., Norat, P., Qi, L., Chernatynskaya, A., Cole, J.D., Liu, X. *, and Yang, H. * (2024) Scalable fabrication of solid drug nanoparticles with improved cornea permeation and sustained control of intraocular pressure for glaucoma therapy Advanced Science 2024:2401648. advs.202401648
- Krause, M.A. †, Grannonico, M. †, Tyler, B., Miller, D.A., Kuranov, R.V., Liu, M., Zhang, H.F., Liu, X. * and Netland, P.A. * (2024) Hyperreflective Dots in Central Fovea Visualized by a Novel Application of Visible-light Optical Coherence Tomography Case Reports in Ophthalmological Medicine (in press)
May 19, 2024, BIMS PhD graduation ceremony.
May 6, 2024, ARVO at Seattle.
May 2024, Alishba joined the lab. Welcome!
April 20, 2024. Lab party.
March 22, 2024, The Nu Rho Psi Honor Society's UVA chapter organized a Neuroscience field trip for 8th graders at Peabody School. The students visited our Neuroscience labs in Gilmer Hall and conducted sheep brain dissections. Xiaorong has been serving as the faculty adviser for the UVA chapter. The UVA Parents Program and the College Council have supported the event.
March 2024, our eNeuro manuscript is in press. Congratulations to Marta, David, and Mingna!
March 2024, Virginia (Class 2026) and Shichu received the DoubleHoo Award. Congratulations!
February 2024, Knights Templar visiting UVA!
January 2024, our JoVE method is out.
October 2023, Congratulations to James and John on their research paper about characterization of Pax6 retina which is in press at the Exp Eye Research.
September 2023, Congratulations to Wenjin and Shichu on their method paper about the alignment of in vivo and ex vivo imaging of mouse retinas, which is in press at the Journal of Visualized Experiments.
August 2023, Xiaorong started to take her sabbatical at the University College London (UCL) Institute of Ophthalmology.
June 2023, James successfully defended his PhD! He will be an assistant teaching professor in Neuroscience/Psychology at the University of West Virginia.
April 2023, Marta received the Career Starter grant award from the Knights Templar Eye Foundation.
March 2023, Xiaorong received the 4-VA at UVA Collaborative Research Grant. She will collaborate with Dr. Arina Korneva in the Department of Biomedical Engineering and Mechanics at the Virginia Tech on a proposed project investigating axonal transport defects in glaucoma.
March 2023, James received the Knights Templar Eye Foundation Travel Grant for the ARVO meeting at New Orleans!
March 2023, Charlotte and Jason received the Harrison Undergraduate Research Awards!
Feb 2023, Xiaorong received the Shaffer Award from the Glaucoma Research Foundation.
Jan 2023, Wenjin and Shichu joined the Liu lab. Welcome!
Dec 2022, Jingyi started her new job as a research scientist at Biocytogen Beijing.
Sept 2022, Wenjin Xu received the Research and Development Fellowship from GSAS, UVA.
Summer 2022, Jingyi defended her PhD thesis. Congratulations.