VCEP Policy Roundtables

November 1, 2021 | 5:30 pm | Monroe 124

"Shifting Monetary and Fiscal Policy Norms", Eric Leeper

Recent events have put in question the fiscal-monetary policy paradigm of recent decades. Eric Leeper observes that monetary and fiscal policy are always intrinsically interconnected. As policy norms in both areas have shifted from the 2008 global financial crisis to the recent pandemic, he will analyze what norms will serve the American economy best going forward. Following his lecture, Anton Korinek will moderate a discussion including macroeconomics faculty and graduate students at UVA.

April 7, 2021 | 12 pm | Virtual

"COVID-19 and the fiscal position of developing & emerging countries", Carlos Vegh


October 21, 2020 | 12 pm |Virtual

“COVID-19 and Inequality”, Heather Boushey


May 7, 2020 | 12 pm | Virtual

"Strategies to deal with COVID-19"


March 25, 2020 | 12:50 pm | Virtual

"Covid-19 and the Economy"

Anton Korinek: introduction and basic epidemiology, David Bradford: health economics, Frank Warnock: basic macro facts, Kinda Hachem: financial markets
Eric Leeper: policy responses

February 25, 2020 | 12 pm | Darden Library Room 208D

"Why Are Real Interest Rates So Low?"


November 18, 2019 | 12 pm | Monroe 120

“Holding together the euro?”, Olivier Jeanne (JHU) and Jianping Zhou (IMF) 


November 1, 2019 | 12:30 pm | Monroe 120

"Preparing for the Next Recession", Jon Faust


May 8, 2019 | 11:55 am | Monroe 120

 "Forward Guidance"


April 5, 2019 | 11:55 am | Monroe 122

"The Demise of the Phillips Curve"


March 25, 2019 | 12 pm | Monroe 235

"Modern Monetary Theory (MMT)"


February 27, 2019 | 12 pm | Monroe 235

"Macroeconomic challenges for the US", Eduardo Dávila (NYU Stern)