Past Events

April 29, 2022 | 5:00 pm | Monroe 130

Inflation: Causes, Effects, and Cures

Worldwide inflation has spiked over the past year. For Americans under age 40, about half the population, inflation is higher than at any time in their lives. Decades of low and stable inflation conditioned people to pay little attention to inflation. What are the causes of inflation and what can policy makers do to reign it in? Who gets most hurt by inflation? How do international experiences differ from those in the United States?

November 1, 2021 | 5:30 pm | Monroe 124

Shifting Monetary and Fiscal Policy Norms

Recent events have put in question the fiscal-monetary policy paradigm of recent decades. Eric Leeper observes that monetary and fiscal policy are always intrinsically interconnected. As policy norms in both areas have shifted from the 2008 global financial crisis to the recent pandemic, he will analyze what norms will serve the American economy best going forward. Following his lecture, Anton Korinek will moderate a discussion including macroeconomics faculty and graduate students at UVA.