Published and forthcoming papers

  • In-kind Transfers as Insurance, with Lucie Gadenne (Warwick), Sam Norris (U Chicago), and Monica Singhal (UC Davis). American Economic Review, vol 114, no 9, pp 2861-97, September 2024.
    [NBER Working paper] [Latest version]

  • Identity Verification Systems in Welfare Programs: Experimental Evidence from India, with Karthik Muralidharan and Paul Niehaus (both UCSD). Forthcoming, Review of Economics and Statistics.
    [NBER Working paper] [Latest version]
  • General Equilibrium Effects of (Improving) Public Employment Programs: Experimental Evidence from India, with Karthik Muralidharan and Paul Niehaus (both UCSD). Econometrica, vol 91, no 4, pp 1261-1295, July 2023.
    [NBER Working paper] [Latest version]

  • Policing in Patriarchy: An Experimental Evaluation of Reforms to Improve Police Responsiveness to Women in India, with Gabrielle Kruks-Wisner (UVA) and Akshay Mangla (Oxford University). Science, vol 377, issue 6602, pp 191-198, July 2022.

  • Integrating biometric authentication in India's welfare programs: Lessons from a decade of reforms, with Karthik Muralidharan and Paul Niehaus (both UCSD). India Policy Forum, vol 18, July 2022. 

  • Improving last-mile service delivery using phone-based monitoring, with Karthik Muralidharan (UCSD), Paul Niehaus (UCSD), and Jeff Weaver (USC). American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, vol 13, no 2, pp 52-82, April 2021.
    [Published version] [Ungated Version]

  • India's National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme: What Do We Really Know about the World's Largest Workfare Program?
    Brookings-NCAER India Policy Forum, vol 13, pp 231-86, July 2017.
    [Ungated version]

  • Replications in Development Economics
    American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings, vol 107, no 5, pp 32-36, May 2017.
    [Published version] [Ungated version]

  • Building State Capacity: Evidence from Biometric Smartcards in India, with Paul Niehaus and Karthik Muralidharan (both UCSD).
    American Economic Review, vol 106, no 10, pp 2895-2929, Oct 2016.
    [Published version] [Ungated version]

  • Does Firm Ownership Structure Matter? Evidence from Sugar Mills in India.
    Journal of Development Economics, vol 122, pp 46-62, Sep 2016.
    [Published version] [Ungated version]

  • Corruption in India: Bridging Research Evidence and Policy Options, with Milan Vaishnav (CEIP).
    Brookings-NCAER India Policy Forum 2014, published Jul 2015.
    [Ungated version]

  • The Impact of Corruption on Consumer Markets: Evidence from the Allocation of 2G Wireless Spectrum in India.
    Journal of Law and Economics, vol 58, no 1, pp 75-108, Feb 2015.
    A previous version circulated under the title "Much Ado About Nothing? Corruption in the Allocation of Wireless Spectrum in India."
    [Published version] [Ungated version]

  • Corruption Dynamics: The Golden Goose Effect, with Paul Niehaus (UCSD).
    American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, vol 5, no 4, pp 230-69, Nov 2013.
    Awarded the 2014 American Economic Journal: Economic Policy best paper prize by the American Economic Association.
    [Published version] [Ungated version] [Data]

  • The Marginal Rate of Corruption in Public Programs: Evidence from India, with Paul Niehaus (UCSD).
    Journal of Public Economics, vol 104, pp 52-64, Aug 2013.
    A previous version circulated under the title "Marginal Leakage and Public Programs."
    [Published version] [Ungated version]

  • Sweetening the Deal? Political Connections and Sugar Mills in India
    American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, vol 4, no 3, pp 43-63, Jul 2012.
    [Published version] [Ungated version] [Data] [Appendix]

  • Does Happiness Pay? An Exploration Based On Panel Data from Russia, with Carol Graham (Brookings) and Andrew Eggers (Oxford).
    Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, vol 55, no 3, pp 319-342, Nov 2004.

  • Does Economic Crisis Reduce Support for Markets and Democracy in Latin America? Some Evidence from Surveys of Public Opinion and Well Being, with Carol Graham (Brookings).
    Journal of Latin American Studies, vol 36, no 2, pp 349-377, May 2004.