O’Driscoll D, Ramirez D. Revisiting some design criteria. In: ATINER’S Conference Paper Series, No:EMS2015-2118. Athens, Greece: Athens Institute for Education and Research; 2015. pp. 1–20.
Jensen D, Ramirez D. Outlier detection under star-contoured errors. Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice. 2015;9:156 (2014) (with D. O’Driscoll). (90) Outlier detection under star-contoured errors, Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice.
Jensen D, Ramirez D. Shift outliers in linear regression. Journal of Multivariate Analysis. 2015;136:95–107.
O’Driscoll D, Ramirez D. An investigation of the performance of five different estimators in the measurement error regression model. In: Essays on Mathematics and Statistics. Vol. Chapter 14. Athens, Greece: Athens Institute for Education and Research, Edited by Codruta Stoica; 2014. pp. 147–156.
O’Driscoll D, Ramirez D. Anomalies of the magnitude of the bias of the maximum likelihood estmator of the regression slope. In: Essays on Mathematics and Statistics. Vol. Chapter 15. Athens, Greece: Athens Institute for Education and Research, Edited by Codruta Stoica; 2014. pp. 157–166.
Jensen D, Ramirez D. On a preferred design in regression. The Open Statistics & Probability Journal. 2014;6:1–2.
Jensen D, Ramirez D. Noncentralities induced by regression diagnostics. Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice. 2014;8:141–165.
Jensen D, Ramirez D. Irregularities in X(Y) from Y(X) in linear calibration. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation. 2013;83:1807–1828.
Jensen D, Ramirez D. Revision: Variance inflation in regression. Advances in Decision Sciences. 2012;December:1–15.
Jensen D, Ramirez D. Variations on ridge traces in regression. Comm. Statist. – Simulation Comput. 2012;41:265–278.