Donald E. Ramirez
- Name: Donald Edward Ramirez
- Citizenship: United States
- Office Address:
University of Virginia
Department of Mathematics
Kerchof Hall
P. O. Box 400137
Charlottesville, VA 22904-4137 - Office Fax: (434) 982-3084
- Email:
- Home Page:
- 1963 Bachelor of Science, Tulane University, New Orleans, Louisiana
- 1966 Ph.D. in Mathematics, Tulane University, New Orleans, Louisiana
- Mathematical Statistics and Abstract Harmonic Analysis
- 1963 Woodrow Wilson Fellow
- 1963 NSF Graduate Fellowship, Tulane University
- 1966-67 Office of Naval Research Associate, University of Washington
- 1967 Assistant Professor, University of Virginia
- 1969 Colloquium, Wesleyan University
- 1969 Invited Speaker, Harmonic Analysis Conference, Oberwolfach, Germany
- 1971 Sesquicentennial Associate of the Center for Advanced Studies, University of Virginia
- 1971 Invited Speaker, International Conference on Harmonic Analysis, University of Maryland
- 1971 Associate Professor, University of Virginia
- 1973 Invited Speaker, AMS Conference on Harmonic Analysis, Evanston, Illinois
- 1973 Invited Speaker, AMS Conference on Topological Semigroups, San Francisco, California
- 1974 Invited Speaker, Special Functions Conference, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
- 1975 Invited Speaker, Symposium in Memory of Pasquale Porcelli, University of Houston
- 1975 Invited Speaker, Research Workshop On Almost Periodicity, Virginia Commonwealth University
- 1975 Editor, Semigroup Forum
- 1976 Invited Speaker, AMS Special Session on Harmonic Analysis, Rome, Italy
- 1976 Editor, Semigroup Forum
- 1980 Invited Speaker, AMS Special Session on Harmonic Analysis, Evanston, Illinois
- 1980 Editor, Semigroup Forum
- 1981 Invited Speaker, AMS Conference on Harmonic Analysis, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
- 1981 Invited Speaker, International Conference on Semigroup, Szegad, Hungary
- 1981 Invited Speaker, Semigroup Conference, Oberwolfach, Germany
- 1981 Editor, Semigroup Forum
- 1982 Editor, Semigroup Forum
- 1983 Director of the Statistics Forum, University of Virginia
- 1983 Vice-Chairman of the Virginia Academy of Science Statistics Council, the Virginia Chapter of the American Statistical Association
- 1983 Editor, Semigroup Forum
- 1984 Panelist, Virginia Academy of Science, Richmond, Virginia on "What Statistics Courses Should be Taught at the Undergraduate and Master's Levels?"
- 1984 Invited Speaker, Virginia Chapter of the ASA, Richmond, Virginia.
- 1984 Invited Commencement Speaker, 25th Graduating Class of the Benjamin Franklin Senior High School, New Orleans, Louisiana
- 1984 Director of the Statistics Forum, University of Virginia
- 1984 Invited Participant, Symposium on Harmonic Analysis on Semigroups, Virginia Commonwealth University
- 1984 Vice-Chairman of the Virginia Academy of Science Statistics Council
- 1984 Vice-President of the Virginia Chapter of the American Statistical Association
- 1984 Editor, Semigroup Forum
- 1985 Invited Speaker, Pennsylvania State University
- 1985 Invited Speaker, Virginia Chapter of the ASA, Williamsburg, Virginia
- 1985 Invited Panelist on Statistics Education, Annual Meeting of the American Statistical Association, Las Vegas
- 1985 Editor, Semigroup Forum
- 1986 Sesquicentennial Associate of the Center for Advanced Studies, University of Virginia
- 1986 Editor, Semigroup Forum
- 1986 Invited Speaker, Advanced Symposium on Multivariate Statistical Modeling and Data Analysis, James Madison University
- 1986 Invited Speaker, Statistical Modeling and Model Evaluation, Annual Meeting of the Psychometric Society, Toronto, Canada
- 1987 Editor, Semigroup Forum
- 1987 Invited Speaker, Conference on Algebraic Theory of Semigroups and Applications, Vienna, Austria
- 1988 Acting Director, Statistics Forum, University of Virginia
- 1988 Invited Speaker, University of Colorado
- 1988 Invited Speaker, Virginia Tech
- 1988 Editor, Semigroup Forum
- 1989 Invited Participant, Conference on Modern Computer Intensive Methods for Exploring and Modeling Multivariate Data, George Washington University
- 1990 Invited Participant, NSF Summer Workshop on Statistical Process Control Techniques, University of Tennessee
- 1991 Sesquicentennial Associate for the Center for Advanced Studies, University of Virginia
- Invited Speaker, Virginia Tech
- 1991 Virginia Academy of Sciences Representative to the American Statistical Association
- 1992 Invited to the International Conference in Modern Analysis and Applications, New Delhi
- 1993 Invited Speaker, Medical College of Virginia
- 1993 Invited Participant, National Center for Education Statistics Conference on Longitudinal Study of Teacher Supply, Demand, and Quality, Washington, DC
- 1995 Invited Speaker, Session on Recent Advancements in Multivariate Statistics, Southern Research Council on Statistics (SRCOS/ASA), Melbourne, Florida
- 1995 Invited Speaker, University of Edinburgh, Scotland
- 1996 Full Professor, University of Virginia
- 1996 Invited speaker, Symposium on Computational Statistics, Barcelona, Spain
- 1996 Invited speaker, annual meeting of the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic Regions of the North American Association of Summer Session, Charlottesville, VA
- 1996 President of the Virginia Academy of Science Statistics Section
- 1997 Colloquium speaker, Virginia Tech
- 1997 Contributed paper, Symposium on Computing Science and Statistics, Houston, Texas
- 1997 Contributed paper, Virginia Academy of Science Statistics Section and the Virginia Chapter of the American Statistical Association, Blacksburg, VA
- 1997 President of the Virginia Academy of Science Statistics Section
- 1997 Sesquicentennial Associate of the Center for Advanced Studies
- 1998 UVa USEM Summer Research Grant
- 1999 Invited reviewer of the statistics program at Mary Imaculate College, Limerick
- American Statistical Association
- Virginia Academy of Science
- 1999-2000 Chair, College Committee Education Policy and the Curriculum
- 1999-present Steering Committee , Center for Science, Mathematics and Engineering Education
- 1998-present Actuarial Major Advisor
- 1996-present Chair, Faculty Advisory Committee for the Summer Session
- 1995-present College Committee Education Policy and the Curriculum
- 1982-present Faculty Advisory Committee on the Summer Session
- 1980-present Summer Chairman, Department of Mathematics, University of Virginia
- 1990-present University Faculty Associate
- 1988 Acting Director of the University of Virginia's Statistics Forum
- 1986 Faculty Advising Committee to the U.Va. Honor Committee
- 1980-85 Director of Undergraduate Studies in Mathematics
- 1985 Member of the Honor Committee's Faculty Advisory Panel
- 1984 Member of the Dean of the Faculty's Committee on Cheating and Plagiarism
- 1982-84 Director of the University's Statistics Forum
- 1982-83 Associate Provost's Computer Action Group
- 1982-83 President's Council on Academic Computing
- 1981 University's Computer Committee
- 1976-81 President's Procession Committee
- 1973-74 Steering Council of the Learning Enrichment Program
- 1999-present Associate Chair, Mathematics Department
- 1996-present Mathematics Department Actuarial Major Advisor
- 1996-present Mathematics Department Lower Division Committee
- 1996-present Mathematics Department Computer Committee
- 1992-present Mathematics Department Transfer Credit Advisor
- 1981 Organized the Scientific Computing Minor
- Designed the Mathematics Department course evaluation and software
- Instrumental in introducing MATH 105, 112, 200, 205, 206, 512, 513
- 1996-1997 President of the Virginia Academy of Science Statistics Section
- 1989-91 VAS Representative to the American Statistical Association
- 1985-86 Counselor to the American Statistical Association
- 1986 Board Member, Virginia Academy of Science
- 1986 Member, American Statistical Association Subcommittee on Undergraduate Programs in Statistics
- 1974-88 Editor, Semigroup Forum
- 1983-85 Vice-President, Virginia Chapter of the A.S.A.
- 1983-85 Vice-President, Statistics Chapter of the V.A.S.
- 1972 Sesquicentennial Associate of the Center for Advanced Studies
- 1986 Sesquicentennial Associate of the Center for Advanced Studies
- 1991 Sesquicentennial Associate of the Center for Advanced Studies
- 1997 Sesquicentennial Associate of the Center for Advanced Studies
- 1983-84 Funds for Excellent Project, Virginia State Council of Higher Education
- 1985-86 Biomedical Research Support Grant (BRSG) No. 5-24867 at the University of Virginia
- Proficient in BASIC, FORTRAN, Pascal, C, SPSS, BMDP, SAS
- Published BASIC Programs:
- LINPRO - a linear programming algorithm published in the Hewlett-Packard contributed software library
- SIMP - an algorithm for solving simplex tableaux, matrix games, and best-fit of linear equations published in the Hewlett-Packard contributed software library
- Published FORTRAN Programs
- BFSOLV - an algorithm to compute the adjusted likelihood ratio test for the Behrens-Fisher problem
- UTRANS - an algorithm to convert skewed multivariate data to nearly normal data
- MTRANS - an algorithm to convert skewed multivariate data to nearly normal data jointly
- FACAIC - an algorithm to find the number of factors in a factor analysis model using information criteria
- FSCORE - an algorithm to compute factor scores
- SMOOTH - an algorithm to smooth data with monotone splines
- QPOWER - an algorithm to convert data to nearly quadratic data
- T2BNDSS - an algorithm to compute descriptive levels for Hotelling's T2 under misspecification
- ELLPTIC - an algorithm to compute the mean radius and surface measure of an ellipsoid
- Masters of Arts
1968 Catherine Bobzien
1970 David Copper - Masters of Science (with a concentration in Statistics)
1983 Elizabeth Claus
1986 Larry Bobbitt
1986 Jeffrey Tucker
1988 Mary Ann Duchna
1988 Clark Gaylord - Doctor of Philosophy
1970 Joseph Kent (with James England) - BIOMEDICAL CONSULTING EXPERIENCE
- Dr. Harold Wanebo, M.D.
Department of Internal Medicine
University of Virginia Medical Center
Charlottesville, Virginia 22908
(a) Parametric Weibull model for censored cancer data
(b) Discriminant analysis on cancer patients
(c) Multiple comparisons of responses in a block design model - Dr. R. Brent Harrison, M.D.
Department of Radiology
University of Virginia Medical Center
Charlottesville, Virginia 22908
(a) Quantile estimation of censored data - Dr. Richard Lees, M.D.
Department of Radiology
University of Virginia Medical Center
Charlottesville, Virginia 22908
(a) Estimation of liver volume using cross-sectional farasrom ultrasonic images
(b) Prediction of liver volume from age, sex, height, and weight measurements - Dr. Wallace C. Nunley, M.D.
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
University of Virginia Medical Center
Charlottesville, Virginia 22908
(a) Regression models for clomiphone citrate - Ms. Elizabeth Woodruff
Penn, Stuart, Eskridge and Jones
P.O. Box 749
Abingdon, Virginia 24210
(a) Comparison of two different techniques for measuring arterial blood gas values in coal miners - Dr. Robert S. Brown, M.D.
Department of Psychiatry
University of Virginia Medical Center
Charlottesville, Virginia 22908
(a) Factor analysis of the Zung depression inventory
(b) Study of the role of exercise in the treatment of depression in college-age patients
(c) Designed the computer-aided test program for EDHS 482 - MILITARY CONSULTING EXPERIENCE
- Mr. Elden Wright
General Research Corporation
7655 Old Springhouse Road
McLean, Virginia 22102
(a) Officer Projection Aggregate Level System (9/86 - 9/87) - INDUSTRIAL EXPERIENCE
- Designed a bivariate central chart program for Metal Spray of Richmond for their quality control program (1994).
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