Steinman S, Hunter M, Teachman B. Do patterns of change during treatment for panic disorder predict future panic symptoms?. Journal of behavior therapy and experimental psychiatry. 2013;44(2):150–157.
Smith-Janik S, Green J, Teachman B. Age differences in information processing biases in spider fear. International Journal of Cognitive Therapy. 2013;6(4):401–420.
Lindgren K, Neighbors C, Teachman B, Wiers R, Westgate E, Greenwald A. I drink therefore I am: Validating alcohol-related implicit association tests.. Psychology of addictive behaviors. 2013;27(1):1.
Lindgren K, Kaysen D, Werntz A, Gasser M, Teachman B. Wounds that can’t be seen: Implicit trauma associations predict posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms. Journal of behavior therapy and experimental psychiatry. 2013;44(4):368–375.
Lambert A, Smyth F, Beadel J, Teachman B. Aging and repeated thought suppression success. PloS one. 2013;8(6):e65009.
Beadel J, Green J, Hosseinbor S, Teachman B. Influence of age, thought content, and anxiety on suppression of intrusive thoughts. Journal of anxiety disorders. 2013;27(6):598–607.
Vivian D, Hershenberg R, Teachman B, Drabick DA, Goldfried M, Wolfe B. A translational model of research-practice integration.. Psychotherapy. 2012;49(2):143.
Teachman B, Joormann J, Steinman S, Gotlib I. Automaticity in anxiety disorders and major depressive disorder. Clinical psychology review. 2012;32(6):575–603.
Teachman B, Drabick DA, Hershenberg R, Vivian D, Wolfe B, Goldfried M. Bridging the gap between clinical research and clinical practice: Introduction to the special section.. Psychotherapy. 2012;49(2):97.
Magee J, Teachman B. Distress and recurrence of intrusive thoughts in younger and older adults.. Psychology and aging. 2012;27(1):199.