Lindgren K, Neighbors C, Teachman B, Gasser M, Kaysen D, Norris J, Wiers R. Habit doesn’t make the predictions stronger: Implicit alcohol associations and habitualness predict drinking uniquely. Addictive behaviors. 2015;45:139–145.
Kulesza M, Teachman B, Werntz A, Gasser M, Lindgren K. Correlates of public support toward federal funding for harm reduction strategies. Substance abuse treatment, prevention, and policy. 2015;10(1):25.
Gorlin E, Teachman B. Inhibitory control as a moderator of threat-related interference biases in social anxiety. Cognition and Emotion. 2015;29(4):723–735.
Gordon T, Steiner AR, Teachman B. Physical triggers of anxiety in African Americans. Journal of Black Psychology. 2015;41(4):311–339.
Cody M, Steinman S, Teachman B. True and False Memories in Social Anxiety Disorder: Effects of Speech Anticipation and Social Content. Cognitive Therapy and Research. 2015;39(6):797–807.
Teachman B. No appointment necessary: Treating mental illness outside the therapist’s office. Perspectives on Psychological Science. 2014;9(1):85–87.
Steinman S, Teachman B. Reaching new heights: Comparing interpretation bias modification to exposure therapy for extreme height fear.. Journal of consulting and clinical psychology. 2014;82(3):404.
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Reuland M, Teachman B. Interpretation bias modification for youth and their parents: a novel treatment for early adolescent social anxiety. Journal of anxiety disorders. 2014;28(8):851–864.
Magee J, Smyth F, Teachman B. A web-based examination of experiences with intrusive thoughts across the adult lifespan. Aging & mental health. 2014;18(3):326–339.
Lambert A, Hu Y, Magee J, Beadel J, Teachman B. Thought suppression across time: Change in frequency and duration of thought recurrence. Journal of obsessive-compulsive and related disorders. 2014;3(1):21–28.