Vitae for Nicholas J. Kuhn
Address Department of Mathematics,
University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 22904
Phone (434) 924-7123
University of Chicago, Department of Mathematics, Ph.D. 1980, M.S. 1977. Special Area: Algebraic Topology. Thesis: The structure of the James-Hopf Maps. Advisor: J. Peter May.
Princeton University, A.B. 1976. Major: Mathematics. Honors: magna cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa.
Research Interests
My research is centered around algebraic topology, and also includes aspects of algebraic K-theory, group representation theory, homological algebra, and category theory.
Professional Experience
Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of Virginia, 1991–2024. Emeritus since 2024.
Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of Virginia, 1986–1991.
Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, Princeton University, 1982–1986.
Acting Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of Washington, 1980– 1982.
Visiting Positions
Visiting Professor, Utrecht University, Utrecht, the Netherlands, winter/spring 2023.
Visiting Professor, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, England, winter/spring 2017.
Visiting Scholar, M.S.R.I., Berkeley, winter/spring 2014.
Visiting Professor, U.Paris-Nord, Paris, France, fall 2011.
Visiting Professor, Cambridge University, Cambridge, England, winter/spring, 2006.
Visiting Professor, University of Chicago, fall, 2000.
Visiting Professor, C.N.R.S. and U.Paris-Nord, Paris, France, 1994–1995.
Visiting Scholar, M.S.R.I., Berkeley, fall 1989.
Visiting Fellow, Cambridge University, Cambridge, England, 1986–1987.
Visiting Scholar, Northwestern University, spring 1983.
Summer positions: Warwick (1985), I.H.E.S./U. Paris–Orsay (1990), and Bielefeld (1992).
Awards, Fellowships, Grants, Honors
A.M.S. Postdoctoral Fellowship, 1982–1983.
N.S.F. Postdoctoral Fellowship, 1982 (declined).
Sloan Foundation Fellowship, 1985–87.
Eight standard NSF grants as sole PI, and lead PI of an NSF Focused Research Grant.
Co-PI of an NSF Research Training Group grant (2019-2024, $2.5 million).
Simons Collaboration Grant, 2020.
NSF conference funding for three conferences: Isle of Skye (2001, 2005), UVA (2012).
Foreign support: S.E.R.C.(Britain) in 1986–87, C.N.R.S.(France) in 1994–95.
M.S.R.I. funded the expenses of my 2014 visit.
60th birthday conference: Mid-Atlantic Topology Conference, UVA, April, 2015
Fellow, American Mathematical Society, elected 2018, for contributions to homotopy theory, group cohomology, and representation theory.
Ph.D. students
Piotr Krason (1991), Mark Winstead (1993), David Hunter (1997), Stephen Ahearn (2000), Randall Helmstutler (2004), Ryan Higginbottom (2005), Joe Johnson (2012), Jason McCarty (2012), Brian Thomas (2019), Matt Gagne (2019), Bogdon Krstic (2020), Chris Lloyd (2021).
Postdocs mentored at UVA
John Martino (90-93, now at W. Michigan), Michael Slack (90-92, left academics), Jim Turner (93-95, Calvin College), Geoff Powell (96-97, Angers), Andrey Lazerev (97-99, Lancaster), Stephen Theriault (99-02, Southampton), Ismar Volic (03-06, Wellesley), Michael Hill (06-09, Minnesota), Lennart Meier (13–15, Utrecht), Luis Pereira (13-17, left academics), Prasit Bhattacharya (17-20, New Mexico State), William Balderrama (21-24, Bonn).
National activities
Life member of the American Mathematical Society.
Reviewer for Math Reviews (over 130 reviews).
Referee of dozens of grant proposals for the N.S.F., N.S.A., and equivalent Canadian, British, French, and similar European funding organizations.
Member of N.S.F. panels.
Referee for various journals of many articles in topology and algebra.
Official reader of about a half dozen French mathematics Ph.D. theses.
Editor, Homology, Homotopy, and Applications, 2005–.
A.M.S. Southeastern Section Program Committee, member, 2007–09, chair, 2008–09.
Conferences Organized
Scientific Committee, Conference on Algebraic Topology, Angers, France, September, 1998.
Cochair, A.M.S.–M.A.A–I.M.S. joint summer conference on ‘Homotopy Methods in Algebraic Topology’, Boulder, Colorado, June, 1999.
Organizing Committee, Conference on Pure and Applied Topology, Isle of Skye, Scotland, June, 2005.
Chair, Conference on Algebraic and Geometric Topology (in honor of Bob Stong), University of Virginia, November, 2008.
Organizing Committee, Workshop on Functor Calculus and Operads, Banff, March, 2011.
Chair, organizing committee, Virginia Conference on Algebraic Topology, Charlottesville, Virginia, June, 2012.
Cochair, Mid-Atlantic Topology Conference, Charlottesville, October, 2019.
Invited talks since 1993
Topology Seminar, Johns Hopkins University, February, 1993.
Topology Conference, Kazimierz, Poland, June 1993.
AMS special session, Lexington KY, March,1994
AMS conference in Topology, Mt. Holyoke, July, 1994.
Topology Seminar, U.Paris–Nord (two talks), October, 1994.
Topology Conference, U.Paris–Nord, November, 1994.
Seminar on K-theory and MacLane homology (three talks), I.H.E.S., France, Jan.–Mar., 1995.
Topology Seminar, Heidelberg, Germany. February, 1995.
Topology Seminar, Lille, France. March, 1995.
Topology Seminar, Oxford, England. April, 1995.
Topology Seminar, Cambridge, England. April, 1995.
Topology Seminar, University of Paris 11, Orsay, France. May, 1995.
Workshop on Elliptic cohomology, Max Plank Institute, Bonn, Germany. June, 1995.
Conference in Algebraic Topology, Gargnano, Italy. June, 1995.
Conference on stable homotopy theory, Field Institute, Toronto, January, 1996.
Conference on unstable homotopy theory, Field Institute, Toronto, May, 1996.
A.M.S. Research Institute on cohomology, representations, and actions of finite groups, University of Washington, Seattle, July, 1996.
Special session on algebraic topology, Rider University, Lawrenceville, October, 1996.
Upstate New York Topology Seminar, Syracuse U., November, 1996.
Midwest Topology Seminar, Northwestern U., January, 1997.
Topology Seminar, M.I.T., March, 1997.
Conference in Algebraic Topology, Northwestern U., March, 1997.
Special session on algebraic topology, AMS annual meeting, Baltimore, January 1998.
Three talks, Wayne State University, as a ‘visiting scholar’: two in a departmental colloquium setting, and one in a topology seminar, February, 1998.
Conference on Modular Representation Theory, University of Virginia, May, 1998.
Conference on Algebraic Topology, Barcelona, Spain, May, 1998.
Three talks, Algebraic Topology Conference, Angers, France: a minicourse on “The representation theoretic approach to unstable modules over the Steenrod algebra”, September, 1998.
Three talks, ring theory conference on Infinite Length Modules, Bielefeld, Germany: a series on “Generic Representation Theory: a survey of basic structure”, September, 1998.
Conference on Algebraic Topology, Arolla, Switzerland, August, 1999. Midwest Topology Seminar, Purdue–Calumet, October, 1999.
Conference on Algebraic Topology, Johns Hopkins University, March, 2000.
Topology seminar, University of Chicago, October, 2000.
Topology seminar, Northwestern University, November, 2000.
Group theory seminar, University of Chicago, November, 2000.
Topology proseminar, University of Chicago, November, 2000.
Topology seminar, Johns Hopkins University, December, 2000.
Conference on Algebraic Topology, Gdansk, Poland, June, 2001.
Conference on Algebraic Topology, Isle of Skye, Scotland, June 2001.
Conference on Algebraic Topology and Category Theory, Union College, September, 2001.
Special session on algebraic topology, AMS regional meeting, Ann Arbor, March, 2002.
Conference on Algebraic Topology, Northwestern University, March, 2002.
Conference on Algebraic Topology, Barcelona, July, 2002. Topology seminar, University of Chicago, October, 2002.
Special session on algebraic topology, AMS national meeting, Baltimore, January, 2003.
Colloquium, Brown University, February, 2003.
Conference on Homotopy Theory, Oberwolfach, Germany, March, 2003.
Conference on Algebraic Topology, Kinosaki, Japan, July, 2003.
Series of three talks, Workshop on Algebraic Topology, Nagoya, Japan, August, 2003.
Conference on Algebraic Topology, University of Minnesota, September, 2003.
Topology seminar, University of Illinois at Champaign, March, 2004.
Special session on homotopy theory, A.M.S. regional meeting, Rider University, April, 2004.
‘All Chicago’ topology seminar, Northwestern University, May, 2004.
Conference on Algebraic Topology, Hanoi, Vietnam, August, 2004.
Workshop on Goodwillie calculus, Clay Math. Institute, Cambridge, MA, March, 2005.
Special session on algebraic topology, AMS regional meeting, Newark, DE, April, 2005.
Workshop on localization methods and the calculus of functors, Banff International Research Station, Banff, Canada, April, 2005.
The talk was videoed by BIRS. Conference on the Cohomology of Finite Groups, Oberwolfach, Germany, September, 2005.
Homotopy conference, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, England, January, 2006.
Geometry seminar, Cambridge University, Cambridge, England, February, 2006.
Colloquium, University of Kent, Canterbury, England, March, 2006.
Topology seminar, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, Scotland, April, 2006.
Topology seminar, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, Scotland, April, 2006.
Two talks, Topology seminar, Auto. Univ. Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain, May, 2006.
Geometry seminar, Cambridge University, Cambridge, England, May, 2006.
Conference on Algebraic Topology, Johns Hopkins University, March, 2007.
Conference on Homotopy Theory, Oberwolfach, Germany, September, 2007.
Geometry and Topology Conference, plenary speaker, Lehigh University, October, 2007.
International Conference on Topology, Djerba, Tunisia, October, 2007.
Conference on Algebraic Topology, Arolla, Switzerland, August, 2008.
Special session on algebraic topology, AMS regional meeting, Kalamazoo, MI, October, 2008.
Topology Seminar, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, England, June, 2009.
Conference on Algebraic Topology, Group Theory and Representation Theory, plenary speaker, Isle of Skye, Scotland, June, 2009.
Workshop on unstable homotopy theory and chromatic phenomena, CCNY, New York, June, 2009.
Special session on algebraic topology, AMS regional meeting, Lexington, KY, March, 2010.
Algebraic Topology Conference, three talks on “Periodic localization, Tate cohomology, and infinite loopspaces”, U.Georgia, May, 2010.
Topology Seminar, University of Osnabruck, Osnabruck, Germany, July, 2010.
Conference on Group Cohomology, Oberwolfach, Germany, July, 2010.
Andr´e Memorial Conference, Lausanne, Switzerland, May, 2011.
Topology Seminar, U.Paris–Nord, Paris, France, May, 2011.
Conference on Homotopy Theory, Oberwolfach, Germany, September, 2011.
Topology Seminar, U.Strasbourg, Strasbourg, France, October, 2011.
Topology Seminar, U.Paris–Nord, Paris, France, October, 2011.
45th William J. Spencer Lecture, Kansas State University, March, 2012.
Conference on the cohomology of functors, U. Nantes, Nantes, France, April, 2012.
Topology Seminar, Johns Hopkins University, March, 2013.
Conference on Algebra and Topology, U. Nantes, Nantes, France, May, 2013.
Topology Seminar, University of Angers, Angers, France, May, 2013.
Colloquium, University of Osnabruck, Osnabruck, Germany, May, 2013.
Topology Seminar, two talks, Mathematical Sciences Research Institute, March, 2014.
Topology Seminar, Stanford University, March 2014.
Conference on Algebraic Topology, Dubrovnik, Croatia, June, 2014.
New York Applied Algebra Colloquium, CUNY, October, 2014.
Conference on Algebraic Topology, Princeton, March, 2015.
Conference on Group Cohomology, Oberwolfach, Germany, May, 2015.
Workshop on Algebraic Topology, Oxford, England, October, 2015.
Topology Seminar, CUNY, March, 2016.
Topology Seminar, Georgia Tech., April, 2016.
Workshop on operations in highly structured homology theories, Banff International Research Station, Banff, Canada, May, 2016.
Conference on group actions and algebraic combinatorics, Herstmonceux, England, July, 2016.
Topology Seminar, University of Sheffield, England, February, 2017.
Topology Seminar, University of Glasgow, Scotland, February, 2017.
Algebra Seminar, University of Glasgow, Scotland, February, 2017.
Transpennine Topology Triangle Seminar, Sheffield, England, February, 2017.
Topology Seminar, University of Anger, France, April, 2017.
Scotland Topology Seminar, Glasgow, Scotland, May, 2017.
Colloquium, University of Hamburg, Germany, May, 2017.
Topology Seminar, University of Stockholm, Sweden, May, 2017.
Conference on Homotopy Theory, Paris, France, June, 2017
Conference on Algebraic Topology and Representation Theory, Lille, France, June, 2017.
Special session on Algebraic Topology, AMS regional meeting, Nashville, April, 2018.
Program on Homotopy Harnessing Higher Structures, Newton Institute, Cambridge, England, July, 2018.
Electronic Computational Homotopy Seminar, March, 2019.
Topology Seminar, U.C.L.A., April, 2019.
Conference on Homotopy Theory, Oberwolfach, Germany, August, 2019.
Summer school on Equivariant Homotopy Theory, Shanghai, China, August, 2019.
Workshop on Algebraic Topology, Shanghai, China, August, 2019.
Colloquium, University of Virginia, November, 2021.
Topology Seminar, Princeton University, April, 2022.
Topology Seminar, M.I.T., September, 2022.
Workshop on Spectral Methods in Equivariant Mathematics, Hausdorff Institute, Bonn, Germany, October, 2022.
Talk in the online seminar on Manifolds, homotopy, and related topics, hosted at Oxford, March 2023.
Introductory talk for a reading seminar at Utrecht University, March 2023.
Topology Seminar, University of Southampton, England, April, 2023.
Topology Seminar, Sheffield University, England, April, 2023.
Topology Seminar, Stockholm University, Sweden, May, 2023.
Workshop on Generalized Lie Algebras in Derived Geometry, Utrecht, Netherlands, June 2023.
Conference on Transchromatic Homotopy Theory, Regensburg, Germany, August, 2023.
Topology Seminar, online, U. Paris joint with U. Hanoi, April, 2024.