Flores, Nichole M. 2019. “We Who Believe in Freedom: Ella Baker’s Creed”. In Can I Get a Witness: Thirteen Peacemakers, Community-Builders, and Agitators for Faith and Justice, edited by Charles Marsh, Shea Tuttle, and Dan Rhodes, 119-34. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans.
Flores, Nichole. 2018. “Trinity and Justice: A Theological Response to the Sexual Assault of Migrant Women”. Journal of Religion and Society 16 (1): 39-51.
Flores, Nichole M. 2018. “Beyond Consumptive Solidarity: An Aesthetic Response to Human Trafficking”. Journal of Religious Ethics 46 (2): 360–377.
Flores, Nichole. 2016. “When Discourse Breaks Down: Race and Aesthetic Solidarity in the U.S. Catholic Church”. In Polarization in the US Catholic Church: Naming the Wounds, Beginning to Heal, edited by Mary Ellen Konieczny, Charles Camosy, and Tricia Bruce. Liturgical Press.
Flores, Nichole. 2014. “The Personal Is Political: Toward a Vision of Justice in Latina Theology”. Edited by Linda Hogan and AE Orobator. Feminist Catholic Theological Ethics: Conversations in the World Church, 232–242.
Flores, Nichole. 2013. “Latina/O Families: Solidarity and the Common Good”. Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 33 (2): 57–72.