Programs for Stata


This program plots the mean levels of a variable against another variable, optionally separately for categories a third variable. This is helpful for plotting, for example, mean democratic vote...
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This program produces linearization-based significance calculations for correlation coefficients. It is the equivalent of the nonexistant Stata command svycorr.

fastcd (c)

The fastcd package contains the Stata command 'c', a utility that automates the process of changing directories within Stata. The command allows you to build a database of commonly-used directory...
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This program extracts the command lines from a Stata text-format log, creating a file of syntax (i.e., a do file). The program recognizes commands as lines in the log that begin with a period followed...
Read More log2do2


A program to create tables of “journal-style” regression output. mktab estimates one or more regression-type models, and prints the results in tab- (or other) delimited format for importation into a...
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oprobpr estimates an ordered dependent variable model on a continuous X variable and an optional set of covariates, then lists and graphs the predicted probabilities from this model against the X...
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This program performs two functions related to survey sampling weights. First, it creates replicate weights, which are employed in replication- based strategies for variance estimation (balanced...
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The svr (SurVey Replication) suite of commands analyze complex survey data using replication methods for variance estimation. The available methods are balanced repeated replication (BRR) and several...
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This program is a wrapper program for the Stata command table that adds column percentages to the output. Essentially this provides the functionality of the column option of the tabulate command.