O’Brien J. Pantomime. Moody J, O’Quinn D, editors. Cambridge: The Cambridge Companion to the British Stage; 2007.
O’Brien J. Drama: Genre, Gender, Theater. Wall C, editor. Blackwell: Blackwell’s Concise Companion to the Restoration and the Eighteenth Century; 2004.
O’Brien J. The Eighteenth Century: Theory and Interpretation. 2004.
Centlivre S. The Wonder: A Woman Keeps a Secret. O’Brien J, editor. Broadview Press; 2004. p. 147.
O’Brien J. Harlequin Britain: Pantomime and Entertainment, 1690–1760. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press; 2004.
Centlivre S. The WonderA Woman Keeps a Secret. O’Brien J, editor. 2003. p. 147.
O’Brien J. Infamous Harlequin Mimicry:Apprentices and the Mass Audience. University of Colorado Center for the Humanities; 2003.
O’Brien J. Grub Street: The Literary and the Literatory in Eighteenth-Century Britain. Dean A, Agathocleous T, editors. 2003.
O’Brien J. Why Was Harlequin’s Face Black?. New Orleans: American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies Annual Meeting; 2001.
O’Brien J. Busy Bodies: The Plots of Susanna Centlivre. Todd D, Wall C, editors. Newark: University of Delaware Press; 2001.