O’Brien J. The South Sea Bubble as Turning Point. Chicago, IL: meeting of International Society for Intellectual History; 2000.
O’Brien J. Response:Defoe and Joyce, panel on "Defoe and the Revised Version of the Rise of the Novel. Dublin, Ireland; 1999.
San Antonio T. New Approaches to Teaching the Eighteenth Century. San Antonio, TX: panelorganizer and chair, SCASECS; 1998.
O’Brien J. That’s Entertainment!The Cultural Work of Entertainment in the Eighteenth-Century World. Notre Dame, IN: panel organizer and chair, ASECS; 1998.
O’Brien J. Susanna Centlivre and the Reception of the Popular. Williamstown: NEASECS Annual Meeting; 1998.
O’Brien J. Union Jack: Amnesia and the Law in Daniel Defoe’s Colonel Jack. Eighteenth-Century Studies; 1998.
O’Brien J. Harlequin Britain: Eighteenth-Century British Pantomime and the Cultural Location of Entertainment(s). Theatre Journal ; 1998.
O’Brien J. The Character of Credit: Daniel Defoe’s Lady Credit. 1996.