Steven M. Boker, Ph.D. Director of the Human Dynamics Lab College and Graduate School of Arts & Sciences Department of Psychology PO BOX 400400 Charlottesville, VA 22904-4400 p 434-243-7275
McKee K, Rappaport L, Boker S, Moskowitz D, Neale M. Adaptive Equilibrium Regulation: Modeling Individual Dynamics on Multiple Timescales. Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal. 2018:1–18. mckee2018a-finaldraft.pdf1.17 MB
Boker S, Martin M. A Conversation between Theory, Methods, and Data. Multivariate behavioral research. 2018:1–14. theorydataandmethods20180130-preprint.pdf1.85 MB
Neale M, Hunter M, Pritikin J, Zahery M, Brick T, Kirkpatrick R, Estabrook R, Bates T, Maes H, Boker S. OpenMx 2.0: Extended structural equation and statistical modeling. Psychometrika. 2016;81(2):535–549. openmx2-141008c.pdf332.4 KB
Boker S, Staples A, Hu Y. Dynamics of change and change in dynamics. Journal for person-oriented research. 2016;2(1-2):34. pdf.pdf2.11 MB