Ms. Amarani holds a Master's degree in Systems Engineering from the University of Virginia. She was responsible for ensuring the success of pilot testing in Rajasthan, India.
Ms. Le holds a degree in Cognitive Science from the University of Virginia. She was responsible for research involved with drafting and revising cognitive batteries for administering in the field...
Mr. Harrington holds degrees in Economics and Geology from the University of Virginia, and is currently working on his doctorate in Sustainable Development at Columbia University. He was formerly...
Dr. Glick earned his Ph.D. in Economics from Brown University, and has extensive field experience in the study area and in analysis of economics data. His role involved co-designing research studies...
Dr. Braun is Assistant Professor of Epidemiology at Brown University. His research focuses on the topic of environmental health. He is responsible for overseeing biomarkers testing, as well as...
Dr. Kishore is Associate Professor of Clinical Psychology at NIMHANS in Bangalore, India. He is responsible for co-designing of the cognitive batteries and protocols to assess children's cognition.
Dr. Keskin is Assistant Professor in the Department of Economics at Wellesley College and has extensive experience in research on water and development outcomes. Her role focuses on design of studies...
Mr. Robertson holds degrees in Economics and Mathematics from the University of Virginia. He was responsible for establishing and overseeing proper execution of field operations and ethics protocols...
Ms. Khosla is a PhD student at the University of Virginia. She Holds a Masters degree in Economics from the University of Oxford. She was responsible for establishing and overseeing proper execution...
Mr. Hossain is a Phd student at the University of Virginia. He is responsible for establishing and overseeing proper execution of field operations and ethics protocols for the end line survey in...