Wabunun from the air, two rows of houses aligned along the beach running east to west.
Wabunun from the air, two rows of houses aligned along the beach running east to west.
1973-5, participating in the launch of an anageg, the outrigger boat form that climaxes TREES, KNOTS AND OUTRIGGERS.
1973-5, participating in the launch of an anageg, the outrigger boat form that climaxes TREES, KNOTS AND OUTRIGGERS.
1973, “Kolel’s” sagal, a mortuary ritual suffused with male products, contrasting with the Trobriand forms which spin around female wealth.
1973, “Kolel’s” sagal, a mortuary ritual suffused with male products, contrasting with the Trobriand forms which spin around female wealth.
2009 sad (always) departures, with old and valued friends, “Atupw,” a detail person and his wife.
2009 sad (always) departures, with old and valued friends, “Atupw,” a detail person and his wife.