Simonetta is a research professor at UVA. Professor Liuti´s research involves theoretical studies of the quark and gluon internal dynamics of the proton. The fundamental interactions of quarks and...
Pete is a Data Scientist at UVA in the Data Science Institute. He serves as a Co-PI for SIWIF. His Ph.D. is in physics and his dissertation and postdoctoral work involved pions, muons, and the weak...
Matthias is a Professor at New Mexico State University. His primary research interest is in non- perturbative strong interaction physics and the quark/gluon (=parton) structure of hadrons and...
Rising third-year studying Computer Engineering & Computer Science with a minor in Design Integration through the Technology Leaders Program. Varsity member of the Virginia Men's Rowing team.
Andrew is a recent graduate from the University of Virginia with a B.A. in Mathematics and Physics, returning fall 2019 to pursue his Master's in Statistics. He works in the primarily in the data...
Educated at Bucharest University and Hampton University Dr. Gabriel Niculescu's research interests span the whole range of JLab experimental physics. With 25+ years as a JLab collaborator and 35+...