Turkheimer, Harden K, Reis H, Judd C. Handbook of research methods in social and personality psychology. Behavior genetic research methods: Testing quasi-causal hypotheses using multivariate twin data. 2nd ed. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. 2014:159–87.
Turkheimer E, Pettersson E, Horn E. A phenotypic null hypothesis for the genetics of personality. Annual review of psychology. 2014;65:515–540.
Pettersson E, Mendle J, Turkheimer E, Horn E, Ford D, Simms L, Clark LA. Do maladaptive behaviors exist at one or both ends of personality traits?. Psychological assessment. 2014;26(2):433.
Duncan G, Mills B, Strachan E, Hurvitz P, Huang R, Moudon AV, Turkheimer E. Stepping towards causation in studies of neighborhood and environmental effects: How twin research can overcome problems of selection and reverse causation. Health & place. 2014;27:106–111.
Horn E, Turkheimer E, Strachan E. Psychological distress, emotional stability, and emotion regulation moderate dynamics of herpes simplex virus type 2 recurrence. Annals of Behavioral Medicine. 2014;49(2):187–198.
Williams M, Beckmann-Mendez D, Turkheimer E. Cultural barriers to African American participation in anxiety disorders research. Journal of the National Medical Association. 2013;105(1):33.
Stokes PR, Shotbolt P, Mehta M, Turkheimer E, Benecke A, Copeland C, Turkheimer F, Lingford-Hughes A, Howes O. Nature or nurture? Determining the heritability of human striatal dopamine function: an [18F]-DOPA PET study. Neuropsychopharmacology. 2013;38(3):485.
Pettersson E, Turkheimer E. Approach temperament, anger, and evaluation: Resolving a paradox.. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 2013;105(2):285.
Horn E, Xu Y, Beam C, Turkheimer E, Emery R. Accounting for the physical and mental health benefits of entry into marriage: A genetically informed study of selection and causation.. Journal of Family Psychology. 2013;27(1):30.
D’onofrio B, Lahey B, Turkheimer E, Lichtenstein P. Critical need for family-based, quasi-experimental designs in integrating genetic and social science research. American journal of public health. 2013;103(S1):S46–S55.