
My broader research agenda explores how citizen-state relationships are brokered in informal contexts and how civil society actors adapt to chronic challenges in the urban peripheries of Latin America. My ongoing dissertation project explores how informal urban communities broker with or around the state in order to gain access to essential goods and services in the context of the public health and environmental challenges they face. 

Working Papers (Available by Request)

"Policing, Pandemics, and Public Health: Informal Pandemic Responses in the Favelas of Rio de Janeiro"

"Vaccines, GMOs, and Climate Change: Partisanship and Trust in Science Debates," with Paul Freedman


"Natural Disasters & Voting Behavior: Reevaluating Blind Retrospection in the Era of Climate Adaptation"

"Does Patriotism Inspire Environmentalism? Experimental Evidence from Bolivia," with Christopher Carter

"From Repression to Mobilization: Police Violence and Public Provision in Rio de Janeiro," with Winston Ardoin