Leblang D, Helbing M. Controlling Immigration?. European Journal of Political Research. Forthcoming Forthcoming.
Research and Publications
Leblang D, Bernhard W, Post A. Stemming the Flood: Statecraft, Policy Tools, and Border Control. Forthcoming Forthcoming.
Leblang D, Helms B. The Determinants of Migrant Flows. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Politics. 2018.
Andrews S, Leblang D, Pandya S. Ethnocentrism reduces foreign direct investment. The Journal of Politics. 2018;80(2):697–700.
Leblang D, Helms B, Iadarola A, Satpathy A, Hunt K, Brough R, Xu E, Rao M. Temporary Protected Status and Immigration to the United States. Available at SSRN 3206009. 2018.
Leblang D. Harnessing the Diaspora: The Political Economy of Migrant Dual Citizenship. Comparative Political Studies. 2017;50(1):75–101.
Leblang D, Pandya S. Deal or No Deal: “Deal or No Deal: Institutions versus Social Networks in FDI. Economics and Politics. 2017;(29):91–117.
Eichengreen B, Haines M, Jaremski M, Leblang D. Populists at the polls: Economic factors in the 1896 presidential election. 2017.
Bernhard W, Leblang D. Sovereign debt, migration pressure, and government survival. Comparative Political Studies. 2016;49(7):907–938.
Kim M, Liu A, Tuxhorn K-L, Brown D, Leblang D. Lingua mercatoria: Language and foreign direct investment. International Studies Quarterly. 2015;59(2):330–343.