Salthouse T. Effects of age and skill in typing.. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. 1984;113(3):345.
Lab Publications
Salthouse T. The skill of typing. Scientific American. 1984;250(2):128–135.
Salthouse T, Prill K. Analysis of a perceptual skill.. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance. 1983;9(4):607.
Salthouse T, Kail R. Memory development throughout the life span: The role of processing rate. Life-span development and behavior. 1983.
Salthouse T. Adult cognition: An experimental psychology of human aging. Springer Science & Business Media; 1982.
Somberg B, Salthouse T. Divided attention abilities in young and old adults.. Journal of Experimental Psychology: human perception and performance. 1982;8(5):651.
Salthouse T. Duration estimates of two information processing components. Acta psychologica. 1982;52(3):213–226.
Salthouse T, Somberg B. Isolating the age deficit in speeded performance. Journal of Gerontology. 1982;37(1):59–63.
Salthouse T, Somberg B. Skilled performance: Effects of adult age and experience on elementary processes.. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. 1982;111(2):176.
Salthouse T, Somberg B. Time-accuracy relationships in young and old adults. Journal of Gerontology. 1982;37(3):349–353.