Salthouse T. Influence of processing speed on adult age differences in working memory. Acta psychologica. 1992;79(2):155–170.
Lab Publications
Salthouse T. Shifting levels of analysis in the investigation of cognitive aging. Human Development. 1992;35(6):321–342.
Salthouse T. What do adult age differences in the Digit Symbol Substitution Test reflect?. Journal of Gerontology. 1992;47(3):P121–P128.
Salthouse T. Why do adult age differences increase with task complexity?. Developmental Psychology. 1992;28(5):905.
Salthouse T. Why do adult age differences increase with task complexity?. Developmental Psychology. 1992;28(5):905.
Salthouse T, Skovronek E. Within-context assessment of age differences in working memory. Journal of gerontology. 1992;47(3):P110–P120.
Salthouse T. Working-memory mediationof adult age differences in integrativereasoning. Memory & Cognition. 1992;20(4):413–423.
Salthouse T. Theoretical perspectives on cognitive aging. Psychology Press; 1991.
Salthouse T, Babcock R, Shaw R. Effects of adult age on structural and operational capacities in working memory.. Psychology and aging. 1991;6(1):118.
Salthouse T. Age and experience effects on the interpretation of orthographic drawings of three-dimensional objects.. Psychology and Aging. 1991;6(3):426.