We Are the Times

Links for you

April 23, 2020

Just to read, think about.


The political struggles we are engaged in today are rooted in the survival after the Civil War, of a racist and patriarchal vision of the self, society, and government, and its escape from the Old South to the Far West.  So the book...

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Links for Tuesday

April 21, 2020

A mega-drought seems to have begun in the American Southwest, according to this study.  And this good news: 

The 20th century was the wettest century in the entire 1200-year record. It was during that time that population boomed, and that has continued. "The 20th century gave us an overly optimistic view of how much water is potentially available," said Cook. "It goes to show...

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Trust, authority, and expertise

April 18, 2020

Modernity, we have been told, is an acid to tradition and blind faith.  Modernity is essentially a skeptical mindset.  Prove it; show me; where's the evidence: these are the imperatives we are told to affirm, as proper moderns.  The invisible legitimation of received authorities is as dubious as the passive voice which, we are assured, is the main device of their seduction of premoderns' assenting, supine minds.

There's something misguided about the over-oxygenated appeals to radical skepticism in that last paragraph.  Thinkers have...

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Some more links for reading and contemplating, these about the pandemic

April 14, 2020

Read some stuff.  These are all pandemic related.  Maybe they'll provoke some thoughts.  Then, if you can, go on a walk.  A long quiet walk.  Be alone with your thoughts.  Again--if you can.  



Agnes Callard is one of the more thoughtful philosophers in American philosophy these days, and also one of those willing to write to a non-professional audience in an interesting and provocative way.  In...

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They call it Stormy Monday

April 13, 2020

After a few days of sunny and warm weather, now it's turned blustery.  Actually I like this--wind is good for the soul.  Hope you are snug wherever you are.



Has Nefertiti’s tomb been found, after all, hidden behind Tutankhamun’s tomb?  Maybe so.  This article makes that case; maybe something will come of it, this time ...

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Some links

April 11, 2020

Links for a Holy Saturday.  This one, in fact.



Cool conversation at my UVA from last year, on “Race in the decade since Obama’s inauguration”, still worth listening to, esp in another election year.


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