Links for Social Distancing

March 21, 2020

People have been "social distancing" me for most of my life.  I assume it's because I exude information like the below from my pores.  So I guess: be like me!  You'll be safe. ;) 


Using old U2 spy plane photographic imagery for archaeological ends.  Imagine what level of detail the US is sitting on now, in its reconnaissance technology.  


Some of the backstory to the new movie “The Booksellers,” about rare book dealers.  AND a review of the movie, too.  


More data on how HBCUs and majority-black institutions of higher ed are amazing generators of social capital and civic success.  For the nation as a whole.  Supporting them is a no-brainer, seriously, people.


The idea of “lifelong learning,” seen from the perspective of Europe.   


A disquieting article from last year about how Iran has learned from its adventure in Syria.  


Great interview with Maxine Groffsky, one of the earliest Editors at The Paris Review:


“Everything in the study seemed to convey an idea of reading as a passage through space.”  Levi Strauss’s study.  Actually, the author of the article kind of gets his thumb partly over the lens in this piece; I find his own personal ruminations distracting, because uninteresting.  When he reports on what he saw, or what others told him about Levi-Strauss, that’s pretty good.


Since December, Frances Dickey has been live-blogging the reading of the TS Eliot correspondence with Emily Hale.  It's paused right now, because of the pandemic, and I wrote about this correspondence before, but it’s still fascinating.  Check out what they've discovered so far.


Wash those hands!  And be well, everybody.  And be so, so, very, very, safe.