A fun little tidbit

September 10, 2019
Ooh, this is a nice little thing from Oxford University Press--a collection of articles freely available on their website.  It's worth a gander.  I was pleased to see a couple pieces that I edited from the Journal of the American Academy of Religion, and a lot of pieces I didn't know from other journals.  Some are older--Kai Nielsen, D.Z. Phillips--but a lot are fresh, and even the older ones are well worth reading (Marilyn McCord Adams retains her power to terrify me on something like eight reading).  I was also especially happy to see work beyond Christianity publicised, and the Grillo piece, reflecting (a bit polemically, but we deserve the polemic) on what philosophy of religion might become (and what she had hoped the book she was engaging would help it become, but didn't), seems to need reading even more in the age of Trump than when it was first published.  (Also, Kevin Schilbrack's luminous "Religions: Are there Any?" is just as great as the title suggests it will be.  Please check that one out!)