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September 06, 2019

Inspiring, in its way. Wasn't it Mark Twain who said, "don't get it right, get it written"?


Is the "age of the expert as policymaker" coming to an end


In contrast, this from a philosopher about why philosophers shouldn't sign petitions (except, I guess, petitions about not signing petitions):

"An expert understands where her expertise runs out; unlike the layman, the expert knows what she doesn’t know. Much of the job of the philosophical expert consists of exposing the degree to which all of us — philosophers and laymen alike — are inclined to wrongly arrogate philosophical knowledge to ourselves, often under the heading of “common sense.”

Just as doctors must commit to not doing any bodily harm, philosophers must commit to not doing a certain kind of epistemic harm. It is unacceptable for a doctor to use — or even advise someone to use — a medically unsound procedure. Persuasion by majority or authority is an unsound way to inquire; the employment of such a procedure constitutes a kind of philosophical malpractice."


Millennials, moral relativism, and Iris Murdoch--all interesting.