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August 20, 2019

Your first catch of the day.

Great and really detailed article about London and how it has exploded in the past three decades. I love cities, and London combines post-modern global connectivity, modern mega-scale, and pre-modern intimacy in a way that is unparalleled anywhere else. 

Can "indie" social media save us?  This piece seems to me weirdly de-politicized and individualized, but for those of us who live inside the machine of the internet nad the social order it has spawned, these may be lifesaving mechanisms:

Great piece about finding evidence of permanent human habitation 30,000 years ago at 11,000 feet in Southern Ethiopian mountains:

Fun article about Faber & Faber, a great UK (really, English) publisher, that highlights the importance of editors (not a surprising feature to note, given that the author of the piece, Jonathan Galassi, is a well-known book editor as well as a poet, and jogger).

Nice piece on Hardin and also a good shout-out to Elinor Ostrom, whose work on institutions (formal and informal) deserves a great deal of recognition and is an anti-inflammation device for rampant blind libertarian individualism, materially and methodologically. 

Enjoy!  But do so responsibly.