
Some new links!

October 14, 2020
Sorry, been a bit off the grid, but trying to claw my way back now. Nice review of Marilynne Robinson’s new novel Jack. This struck me as especially acute: “few read Marilynne Robinson’s novels for plot or social...
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End of the week links

October 09, 2020
It's been a long week, for all of us. We need to relax! Here are some things to make you muse, and think. If you don't like them, you don't need to read them. COVID is hitting red counties, and especially rural red counties, just when it is...
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Yet more links!

October 08, 2020
My larger writing is going very well right now, but that means I'm saving all my typing for that, really. All you're getting is haikus. I'm sorry. This should change in a couple years, maybe? Well, maybe sooner. But for now, just some quick links and opinions:...
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October 07, 2020
Just some stuff: A really nice brief intro to Czeslaw Milosz’s poetry. I would never have thought to compare him to P.G. Wodehouse, for instance. Did American creative writing programs help create a self-obsessed and anti-political culture, not just in the US...
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