
Abuse and Argument, Mobilization and Persuasion

November 12, 2020

It's been a week, hasn't it?  Well, we can hope that the election is over, that Donald Trump is not permitted to run a coup by his GOP enablers, and that the United States will for now continue to exist as a constitutional republic.  (But if you needed more evidence that the GOP is deeply sick right now, the past week would provide it.)

But that's not what I'm looking at right now.  Right now I'm looking at...

Read More Abuse and Argument, Mobilization and Persuasion

Abuse and Argument, Mobilization and Persuasion

November 12, 2020

It's been a week, hasn't it?  Well, we can hope that the election is over, that Donald Trump is not permitted to run a coup by his GOP enablers, and that the United States will for now continue to exist as a constitutional republic.  (But if you needed more evidence that the GOP is deeply sick right now, the past week would provide it.)

But that's not what I'm looking at right now.  Right now I'm looking at...

Read More Abuse and Argument, Mobilization and Persuasion

Abuse and Argument, Mobilization and Persuasion

November 12, 2020

It's been a week, hasn't it?  Well, we can hope that the election is over, that Donald Trump is not permitted to run a coup by his GOP enablers, and that the United States will for now continue to exist as a constitutional republic.  (But if you needed more evidence that the GOP is deeply sick right now, the past week would provide it.)

But that's not what I'm looking at right now.  Right now I'm looking at...

Read More Abuse and Argument, Mobilization and Persuasion

Pre-election links

November 02, 2020

Hey all, just some distracting links at the top, and a couple political links at the bottom.  No big brain ideas.  


It's an important night.  A lot is at stake tomorrow, and in coming days.  I pray that we are shown mercy.  These are scary times.  But, as ever, we are the times.  All we can do is respond as best we can.


For now, some links:


I think...

Read More Pre-election links