Another basket of links

September 01, 2019

A piece about the Sumerian language that could have been interesting, but works fairly studiously to remain platitudinous.

In contrast, a pretty interesting piece on linguistic diversity, and why more languages are spoken in some areas than in others. 

What to do about archives when records go digital? Did you know that the US's American National Archives and Records Administration, responsible for American official records, “will no longer take records in paper form after December 31, 2022.”?  I didn't.  Now I do.  That kind of worries me.  

You may have heard of "Black Twitter," but have you heard of "Scotch Twitter"?  I think not.   

A pretty gripping report on "public science" and the development of the Göbekli Tepe blog.  (OK, maybe your sense of "gripping" is not as, umm, refined as mine is.)  While the challenges are different in kind (and in some ways in degree) for religion scholars and religious scholars, it is useful to read this and think about how complicated and relatively recondite, if not esoteric, forms of inquiry ought to speak to larger and more generally interested publics. 

Finally, a fun piece on what your address would have been like if you had lived in the Pleistocene.
