Statement of Current Funds Revenues, Expenditures, and Other Changes

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For the Year Ended June 30, 1995
With Comparative Figures for 1994 (in thousands)
  Year Ended June 30, 1995 Year Ended June 30, 1994*
  Unrestricted Restricted Total Total
Student Tuition and Fees $ 127,925 $ 8,555 $ 136,480 $ 129,228
State Appropriations--Medical Center -- 507 507 13,417
State Appropriations--Academic Operations 104,920 14,143 119,063 118,028
Federal Grants and Contracts 24,503 77,537 102,040 101,269
State Grants and Contracts 66 3,476 3,542 3,556
Local Grants and Contracts 14 -- 14 1
Private Gifts, Grants, and Contracts 12,041 71,240 83,281 72,054
Endowment Income 7,463 15,703 23,166 22,451
Sales and Services of Educational Departments 5,776 -- 5,776 5,625
Sales and Services of Auxiliary Enterprises 70,436 -- 70,436 65,353
Sales and Services of Medical Center 374,434 -- 374,434 352,069
Other Sources 16,525 113 16,638 9,786
Total Current Revenues 744,103 191,274 935,377 892,837
Expenditures and Mandatory Transfers
Educational and General
Instruction 125,506 39,105 164,611 157,986
Research 11,735 93,401 105,136 100,846
Public Service 5,819 14,434 20,253 17,943
Academic Support 54,914 5,376 60,290 54,638
Student Services 14,702 422 15,124 14,445
Institutional Support 29,349 107 29,456 26,337
Operation and Maintenance of Plant 25,426 115 25,541 25,837
Scholarships and Fellowships 13,699 37,181 50,880 50,127
Total Educational and General Expenditures 281,150 190,141 471,291 448,159
Mandatory Transfers for Debt Service and Other 2,410 6 2,416 2,576
Total Educational and General Expenditures and Mandatory Transfers 283,560 190,147 473,707 450,735
Auxiliary Enterprises
Operating Expenditures 52,391 283 52,674 49,541
Mandatory Transfers for Debt Service 7,191 -- 7,191 6,536
Total Auxiliary Enterprises Expenditures and Mandatory Transfers 59,582 283 59,865 56,077
Medical Center
Operating Expenditures 332,855 844 333,699 336,143
Mandatory Transfers for Debt Service 21,708 -- 21,708 21,253
Total Medical Center Expenditures and Mandatory Transfers 354,563 844 355,407 357,396
Total Expenditures and Mandatory Transfers 697,705 191,274 888,979 864,208
Other Transfers and Additions/(Deductions)
Excess of Restricted Receipts over Transfers to Revenues -- 8,334 8,334 (929)
Refunded to Grantors -- (17) (17) (310)
Transfers to Related Foundations (83) (194) (277) --
Non-Mandatory Transfers
(To)/From Endowment and Similar Funds 4,025 1,206 5,231 7,958
(To)/From Loan Funds -- (313) (313) (401)
(To)/From Plant Funds (25,975) (5,379) (31,354) (19,205)
Total Other Transfers and Additions/(Deductions) (22,033) 3,637 (18,396) (12,887)
Net Increase/(Decrease) in Fund Balances $ 24,365 $ 3,637 $ 28,002 $ 15,742

*Certain 1994 amounts have been restated to conform to 1995 classifications. The accompanying Notes to Financial Statements are an integral part of this statement.