Venton, J.; Robinson, T.; Kennedy, R. Transient changes in nucleus accumbens amino acid concentrations correlate with individual responsivity to the predator fox odor 2, 5-dihydro-2, 4, 5-trimethylthiazoline. Journal of neurochemistry 2006, 96, 236–246.
Gitler, D.; Feng, J.; Takagishi, Y.; Pogorelov, V.; Rodriguiz, R.; Venton, B.; Phillips, P.; Ren, Y.; Kao, H.-T.; Wightman, R.; et al. Synaptic vesicle trafficking and drug addiction in synapsin triple knockout mice. Cell Biology of Addiction 2006, 341-359.
Venton, J.; Seipel, A.; Phillips, P. E.; Wetsel, W.; Gitler, D.; Greengard, P.; Augustine, G.; Wightman, M. Cocaine increases dopamine release by mobilization of a synapsin-dependent reserve pool. Journal of Neuroscience 2006, 26, 3206–3209.
Venton, J.; Robinson, T.; Kennedy, R.; Maren, S. Dynamic amino acid increases in the basolateral amygdala during acquisition and expression of conditioned fear. European Journal of Neuroscience 2006, 23, 3391–3398.
Venton, J.; Michael, D.; Wightman, M. Correlation of local changes in extracellular oxygen and pH that accompany dopaminergic terminal activity in the rat caudateâputamen. Journal of neurochemistry 2003, 84, 373–381.
Garris, P.; Budygin, E.; Phillips, P.; Venton, B.; Robinson, D.; Bergstrom, B.; Rebec, G.; Wightman, R. A role for presynaptic mechanisms in the actions of nomifensine and haloperidol. Neuroscience 2003, 118, 819–829.
Robinson, D.; Venton, J.; Heien, M. L.; Wightman, M. Detecting subsecond dopamine release with fast-scan cyclic voltammetry in vivo. Clinical chemistry 2003, 49, 1763–1773.
Venton, J.; Wightman, M. Psychoanalytical electrochemistry: dopamine and behavior, 2003.
Venton, J.; Zhang, H.; Garris, P.; Phillips, P. E.; Sulzer, D.; Wightman, M. Real-time decoding of dopamine concentration changes in the caudateâputamen during tonic and phasic firing. Journal of neurochemistry 2003, 87, 1284–1295.
Venton, J.; Troyer, K.; Wightman, M. Response times of carbon fiber microelectrodes to dynamic changes in catecholamine concentration. Analytical chemistry 2002, 74, 539–546.