Courtney is an undergraduate student working towards a biochemistry degree. She is currently working on measuring the neurotransmitters octopamine and tyrosine in fruit flies using nanodiamond coated...
Julia is an undergraduate student from Roanoke, VA. She is working towards a degree in chemistry with a minor in religious studies. Currently, Julia is working on methods for activating carbon fiber...
Eduard graduated with a Ph.D. from Clarkson University in May 2019 under the supervision of Dr. Silvana Andreescu. His work there was focused on the use of zebrafish embryos as a biological model (1)...
Zijun Shao graduated from Sichuan University, China in 2017. After that she spent one year working with Dr. Stuart Licht aiming at removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere with chemical cells. In...
Samuel is a fourth year undergraduate student with a Biochemistry major. He is an Echols scholar in the College of Arts and Sciences, and he serves as a mentor and advisor to six entering class of...
Kelly Dunham graduated from Tennessee Tech University in 2018 with degrees in Molecular & Cellular Biology and Biochemistry. As an undergraduate researcher, she studied the distribution and...