CHIN 4840 Introduction to Classical Chinese Poetry

Year offered

This class is an introduction to reading classical Chinese poetry in the original language.  It is intended for students who have (at least) intermediate level background in modern Chinese and some familiarity with classical Chinese. This course will be a kind of hybrid of literary reading seminar, high-level language course, and translation workshop. Our primary goals will be to attain a basic familiarity with classical Chinese poetic vocabulary, diction, and syntax, as well as to explore the complexities of literary translation.  If time permits, we may also read through selections from contemporary theories of translation.


We will cover (approximately) one or two poems per two class meetings, working through the vocabulary and basic understanding of the poem(s) on the first meeting and presenting our finished translations on the second meeting.  NOTE: Schedule of readings may be adjusted if the class requires more time or less time to cover the translations each week.