

CLOVER was the first ground-based experiment designed to measure the faint B-mode polarization pattern in the CMB by making deep observations of 1000 square degrees of the sky in spectral bands centered on 97, 150 and 225 GHz.  I worked on CLOVER as a PPARC and NSF Postdoctoral Fellow in the UK.  The instruments were based on two-mirror compact range antennas, profiled corrugated horns, and photon-noise limited TES bolometers cooled to 100 mK.  The instruments were designed to observe from the Atacama Desert in Chile near Pampa la Bola.  For more detail, click through the slides or read the papers linked below.

Selected Publications

“Detecting the B-mode Polarisation of the CMB with Clover.”  C. E. North & B. R. Johnson, et al. (2008) Proceedings of the 43rd Rencontres de Moriond “Cosmology.” (arXiv)