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Dodson C, Hege AC. Speeded retrieval abolishes the false-memory suppression effect: Evidence for the distinctiveness heuristic. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review. 2005;12(4):726–731.
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Budson A, Dodson C, Vatner J, Daffner K, Black P, Schacter D. Metacognition and false recognition in patients with frontal lobe lesions: The distinctiveness heuristic. Neuropsychologia. 2005;43(6):860–871.
Budson A, Dodson C, Daffner K, Schacter D. Metacognition and false recognition in Alzheimer’s disease: further exploration of the distinctiveness heuristic.. Neuropsychology. 2005;19(2):253.
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Hege AC, Dodson C. Why distinctive information reduces false memories: evidence for both impoverished relational-encoding and distinctiveness heuristic accounts.. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition. 2004;30(4):787.
Dodson C, Schacter D. The cognitive neuropsychology of false memories: Theory and data. Handbook of memory disorders. 2002:343–362.